Seeker Magazine

Submission Guide

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What is Seeker?

Seeker is a totally voluntary and nonprofit internet magazine, in a web page format, which has been on the net since July 1995. The Seeker staff members receive no monetary compensation, nor does Seeker provide compensation for accepted submissions. However, it is considered a worthy net-zine by many and receives 5000-7000 visits (and 26000-32000 hits) a month.

Do you have an insight about why things are the way they are? An opinion about what should change? Advice on how to change it? A burning question? A serious or humorous outlook on life that makes living in today's strange world easier?

Have you identified a new cultural icon, or discovered a flaw in an old one? Is there something you have discovered that you wish you could share with others that would help them to stay alive in the zombie realm? Have you managed to remain aware of the world around you, and escape being institutionalized? And if so, can you tell us all how? If you have answered yes to any of the above, then you may be just the contributor we are looking for.

We can't pay you, but we can provide a place for you to be heard. Consider us your own electronic soapbox. We are looking for original submissions in all, fiction, nonfiction, cartoons, cartoon strips, essays..heck, we'll even print blurbs if they provide an insight! We can't guarantee that all submissions will make it into an issue, but all will be closely read, considered and responded to.

We are not looking for big names or high art...just fresh new voices and outlooks that will inspire and/or keep the hope of fellow seekers alive. We want those who question, examine and wonder about the world to know they are not alone.

Seeker's purpose is to provide a forum, a voice, for those who peer, probe,! No subject will be sacred. Everyone has a little piece of the truth, and we want to explore them all, in a variety of formats.

We have only one rule. No bashing or belittling of fellow seekers. If you wish to express a controversial, unpopular or opposing viewpoint, do so by showing the logic of your ideas, not by verbally abusing others. Anyone can write a page full of nasty names and takes talent to express yourself in a nonconfrontational manner.

We at Seeker believe there are a lot more talented and thoughtful wanderers out in the world than anyone suspects, and we want to hear from you! We all walk the path together in different ways...we can share what we see, hear and believe..and perhaps learn some of the greater truth from it.

Note: A letter of permission should be included with each submission. This does not give us the rights to the work. Any and all submissions will remain the sole property of the creator. We ask only for the right to publish once, and to keep your contribution in our archives, which are always available to our readers.

Seeker's Motto:
By sharing our knowledge, we can find the answers...and change the world!

All interested parties, please send submissions, or requests for info to the editor, Cherie Staples, at:
Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples