Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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Love, Love, and Love Forever

Shall I tell you about your touch after you are gone?
      Your words, your deeds,
   the touch of your lips upon my brow
Love, love, you shall live forever

Love, love and love forever

You are a blessing, and your words
      ..still ring in ears of the future..
Sounds shifting through the cluttered ethers,
Cutting through with your pure intent

Love, love and love forever

These moments are not your moments;
You have touched upon them with your heart,
Released these moments into the pantheon of time,
Imprinted with the singing of your soul embracing
      to the flowering future

Love, love and love forever

Love, love and love forever

You are a blessing, and it is less
Who you have brought into the world
Than the fashion through which
      you have undressed our fears into your full embrace


Touching into the future, imprinting
      into the yet unborn
Your deeds, your thoughts, the letters of your lips
Shaping words,
       ..bodysurfing into an endless sound wave..

We feel the touch of your being,
Your presence felt
       ..into the remote distance of centuries..

You are gone and your words live on,
Your body is crumpled and your actions continue,
Love, love and love forever

As you scurry through the labyrinth
       of your repeated patterns,
Remember that you are immortal,
   That you are completely wet

       with every color of your being

Pressed against time into a Book of Life,
       the ink of your soul

           Etched to eternity's faces

       You shall live forever:

           Love, love and love forever
           Love, love and love forever
           Love, love and love forever

(Copyright 2000 by Darius Gottlieb - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Letter to the Author at

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