Seeker Magazine

After The Fall - Humpty Dumpty

by Harriette J. Schwartz (aka Writer Gal)

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Sadly enough he was in a shambles..yolk here, shell there..a totally disheveled egg, lying splattered all over the place. Still he was a trooper. Not one to lie down and fry, Humpty swore to himself that he would battle back. Somehow, someway, Mr. D was determined he would unscramble himself and be whole again.

The surgery was a long, arduous, and delicate affair. The doctors all knew Humpty would never, ever be the same. Still they valiantly and diligently reconstructed each and every bit they could. In point of fact, some of his shell was pulverized and thus Mr. Dumpty now possesses some bionic parts in that neck of his woods. After six hours of paste and superglue the doctors finally did have Humpty back together.

He awoke in the recovery room, groggy but all in one piece. Despite his foggy white matter, one thought rang out loud and clear -- never sit on a wall again -- it echoed over and over in his thin skull. Humpty silently vowed he would not.

Those next few months were tough ones. Rehabbing the egg was no easy task for Humpty or for his numerous physical therapists. Still the spunky oval white guy had a dream and little by little he worked toward it. Humpty wobbled and rolled and finally he was almost as good as new. Yes, Mr. Humpty Dumpty proved to be nothing less than, eggstraordinary!!

So now you know the rest of the tale, the part they never tell you in the nursery rhyme. I guess it just goes to show -- you can't keep a good egg down but making them over sure isn't easy....

(Copyright 2002 by Harriette J. Schwartz - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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