Seeker Magazine

The Light Articles: "Today is a New Day!

by Jamie Sanders

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I haven't always appreciated the beauty and powerful symbolism of what New Year's holiday represents.

When I was younger I thought of the New Year's celebration as a way of simply knowing one year had ended and that a new one was beginning. Many of my past New Year's celebrations were spent partying the night away with friends and strangers under the influence of alcohol and loud music.

I have some great memories of those nights, memories I don't regret, but memories I would mostly likely never choose to participate in again as my way of bringing in the New Year.

The year 2003 has hardly been one of my best years to date, but I can honestly say that I have learned some pretty powerful lessons in those 365 days.

Learning to not give up when giving up would have been so easy. Trusting that God truly does have a plan and knows what I need far more than I do. (Oh, that can be a hard one.)

When I speak to groups of people I always begin the talks with an affirmation that starts with the words, "Today is a new day." I ask the people to repeat the words after me and so often I am amazed with how little enthusiasm they have as they affirm them. Those few words are words of power. Those seemingly simple words are words of healing. Stop for just a moment right now and say out loud to yourself, "Today is a new day." If you felt nothing as you spoke them, say them again with feeling, with power, but most importantly, with authority. "Today is a new day."

We have been given a wonderful gift from the Universe of being able to always begin again. If you have made mistakes, been mistreated, lied, cheated, or just wished you could change what has been, know right now that the simple words of "Today is new day," can begin to heal those unresolved issues you've been carrying. With a New Year beginning, we have the ability to set in motion a new way of living our lives, a new way of thinking about the past we've known.

For myself this New Year's Eve I will take the time to do my own healing ritual of releasing the past year with humbled gratitude and sincere blessings. I will honor the people whose lives touched mine and vice versa.

I will go out into the night and stand with my face turned toward the stars and call upon the powers of the Christ to bless my past, and to empower me to move forward in the year ahead to do mighty things that I might be of greater service to this world.

I will breath in the night air and feel the aliveness of my spirit. I will hold in my heart the love I feel for those in my life who mean so much.

Always live in gratitude. The Universe blesses those who bless the good in their lives. I encourage you to make a ritual for your own new beginning this New Year's Eve. Take the time to pray, to bless and release 2003. May you find within your own spirit the answers to all you seek, for it is within that our real source of truth dwells. You are the magic, you are the the answer, for you are the light of the world. May the Christ in you truly be your guide in the days ahead, and may you always remember how very much you are loved.

Until next month, be good to yourself, be good to others and keep spreading "The Light."

(Copyright 2004 by Jamie Sanders- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Jamie Sanders at Jamie