Seeker Magazine

SkyEarth Letters

by Cherie Staples

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Speaking What a God Might Say

Snow. Rain. Ice. Snow. Rain. Ice. Winter has been bathing us with too many warm winds in storms that speed across the country from southern California to Nova Scotia. Sometimes Montpelier, Vermont, lies on the north side of the freezing line and sometimes on the south side.

When there is snow on the ground, I tread out the winding path of a seven-ring labyrinth on the lawn and sing to the moon. Passing drivers, if they notice me, must wonder. The sweep of field is beautiful. Rich. The webs of tree shadows on the snow exquisite in their renderings. Breathe in deeply the crisp air. Heartening. One needs every possible moment of heartening in this world.

I am not browsing the websites of Common Dreams and TruthOut and Blog for America nearly as much as I did on high-speed access. I let a day or two go by without turning on my home computer. It feels good. Reading the news and the opinions that get so rarely reported in the local papers and on the local news unfortunately also raised my sense of ill-health. I do believe that half the population of this country can blame this administration and the Republican leaders in Congress for high blood pressures, heart attacks, major depressions, and extreme stresses. And no health insurance for many.

Enough about it. I think that I've probably posted this poem in a previous issue, but it still seems appropriate as every sect blames every other sect for the: tsumani, the war, the poor, AIDS. You name it, it is caused by some group of people not believing the same as you do. What we need is an all out ban on religion as it is practiced in so many places today. Notice, I'm not for banning belief in a higher power, just the religious bodies that brook no dissent from their beliefs. Let each person find their personal belief and practice it without inflicting it on others.

Speaking What A God Might Say

I ponder in these days but weary
Of the choice of wrong or right
The labels have become quite bleary
To those with open sight
Our cause is just, each peoples cry
We know the wrong from right
It's our god or else you must die
Naught else shall hold true light.
Our god's laws you must obey
No human law can supercede
Those laws, of course, are what we say
We speak for GOD, indeed.

So human voices do give rise
To laws presumably divine
And all must bow before their eyes
Or else to death must bind

Their god and mine perhaps agree
In realms beyond our ken
But reported by humanity
They're washed through brains of men
Who added bloody-mindedness
And sought to overcome
All those who speak of light and love,
Would have them all struck dumb

It is surely without wonder
That we find ourselves today
Caught up in enormous blunder
Of speaking what a god might say

Copyright 2005 by Cherie Staples. No reproduction without written permission.

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Letter to the Author:
Cherie Staples at