Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Song Of The Hopeless Creatures
Hear the wind tell you the truth
The singing of the leaves
That song is much older than you
Older than you could ever imagine

Deep beneath the bones of the earth
In the hearts of birds
Rippling with the smallest river
On the top of the highest mountain

Sing the song of peace and freedom
Never-ending dream
Will it ever become reality?

Who do you think you are to claim
That this all belongs to you
As if you could rule every living thing
You haven't even seen

Sing the song of the hopeless creatures
In this hopeless land
Will humans ever let them be?

**This work is copyrighted by Jussi Laitila
(EMail: jlaitila@rock.helsinki.fi, WWW: www.helsinki.fi/~jlaitila).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

A crown of flesh
Rests upon my brow-
A mockery.A living
Thorn renting holes

In a soul forlorned.
Brazenly taunted, meek
Eyes careen in the laughter
Absorbing the pain of

Trickling red water.
Bound to my back, a
Skeletal mass is latched,
Bending me over with laden

Burden of mortal thought.
Stumbling into acceptance
I submit to its desire
Embracing the earth it craves.

by: James D.
**This work is copyrighted by James D. (ZAZ11@aol.com).
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

Why Knock on the Door of an Empty House?
Seek only that which is profound
     Be it in sight, words, or beauteous sound
Seek only that which captures the heart
     Which grasps you, holds you, and
          makes you its part.

Pursue not those petty pleasures
     Short-lived that come and go
Rather, seek hard and find such treasures
     Which make your being grow.

Human life is just too precious
     To be wasted on fleeting gains
The time we have is far too short
     To be caught and trapped in games.

For all other games are dismally lost
     If the game of your being is forsaken
Even your knowledge is futile, in vain -
     In wholistic understanding awaken.

Do you understand just who you are
     Where you are going and why?
Do you understand your capacities
     Your potential to never again die?

Transcend the triviality of your personal life
     Experience the vastness of the whole
The resounding harmony of all the cosmos
     Echoes in your spirit, your soul.

So seek only that which is profound
     Be it in sight, words, or beauteous sound
Seek that which carries your spirit afar
     Beyond this frail body and mind
          Find that, which really you are.

by: Bhupinder Singh,
    Waterloo, Ontario
"Let your visions be high, for only
lofty visions can be seen night and
day above the ocean of man's thoughts"
**This work is copyrighted by Bhupinder Singh
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

About the Poet

Hello! My name is Bhupinder Singh - I am new to Seeker, so here is a small introduction.

My interests include writing poetry about the human journey, and reading/listening to materials that direct one to the inner solitude which resides within all of us. I take joy in playing dilruba, sitar, harmonium, and tabla, creating pieces of meditative music which carry one into a wondrous rhythmical realm, beyond the trivial thoughts which rarely cease within us.

I live and work here in Waterloo, Ontario, having graduated in 1994 from a Mathematics/Teaching program at the University of Waterloo. By profession I am teacher of mathematics at the high school level. Presently I am tutoring students in high school math, and also university students in first year physics, calculus, and linear algebra.

I believe that a seeker is not searching for something outside of him/herself, but something which we are and have yet to realize fully. I sincerely look forward to correspondence with other readers of Seeker magazine.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <SkyEarth1@aol.com>