Seeker Magazine

Letter From The Editor

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January 01, 1997

In this highly commercial age it seems silly to make handcrafted gifts. I mean, everything anyone could possibly desire is made in a factory somewhere...and if handcrafted gifts are a must for folks on your list, well there are always the trendy gift shops, right? So why "bust a hump" crafting something of your own? It probably wouldn't be half as nice as what you could find in the mall, or in some quaint craftsy village. The notion is old fashioned...outdated...and most likely unappreciated, isn't it?

Maybe not. Perhaps such gifts are worth more than the giver realizes. You see, every artifact we create with our own hands contains a part of our soul..our spirit...ourselves. And what better way is there to give a real part of yourself to those you love?

My friend Rose crochets an afghan for me every year. Although she doesn't live terribly far away, we don't get to see each other often enough...especially when the Northeast winter sets in, with it's blizzards and icy winds blowing through the windows. This happens to be the exact time that I pull out this year's afghan, and bundle myself up on the couch in it.

I can never do this without thinking of her. I imagine her working on her own couch in her cozy little country home. I can see the expression on her face and the patient, steady movements of her skilled hands.

She tried to teach me to crochet, but I never got the hang of it. I remember the lessons, the laughing and the long conversations...and I snuggle in closer, feeling so much less lonely...and finding myself once again grateful for the special, sweet and steadfast blessing that she is. The essence of Rose is woven into every stitch of that afghan, and it whispers to me.

On my computer shelf there is a slightly tilted paperclip cup, handcrafted from clay and glazed in dark blue. On the outside the name "Ozzy Ozbourne" is carved into the clay. This was my son's favorite rock artist back during the summer when he proudly presented it to me. Filled now with clips and assorted bird feathers, it has become a daily reminder of his giving nature, and the wonderful bond we shared before his premature departure from the world. It speaks more to me of him than any picture could ever manage. I can bring back so many of his expressions, the sound of his voice and of his laughter, simply by turning it, and imagining the joy he took in its crafting.

I would sell my soul before I would dream of parting with a single one of Rose's afghans, or with that lopsided little blue cup. They are my true life's riches.

So, if you're toying with the idea of hand making your gift next year...go for it! No matter how clumsy, trivial or imperfect you may think it is, to those you love it will be a jewel beyond price, a treasure, a comfort..a reminder of love shared. A person would be hard pressed to find anything as valuable for sale anywhere in the world.

Denise Ruiz
Editor - Seeker Magazine

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