'...My True Colors'

Love and Science

One in Consciousness

Science is absolutely loving
instilling harmony, balance, into every action in our lives
Love is absolutely scientific
instilling harmony, balance, into every action in our lives

From the perspective of overall consciousness, love and science are one. One plus one equals two--whether on an addition chart or in a relationship. Scientific law--harmony--pervades the entire universe. Predictable mechanisms, predictable responses--interwoven, interrelated as with the workings of a fine watch.

As we interact harmoniously, we align with the basic precept of nature: cooperation. Through harmonious cooperation we become increasingly aware and conscious of ourselves and the world; we find we can harmoniously function with anyone, anywhere, under all circumstances--just as mathematical scientific principles are present and function interrelatedly everywhere.

Abundant energy comes into our body when by our positive attitudes we align with nature's laws. We become an asset to everyone as we manifest within the principles that keep our universe running rhythmically, harmoniously. When we are feeling enlivened by our state of harmony, we most easily manifest acceptance and unconditional love. Our energy radiates from us, warming everyone, as predictably as the sun radiates and warms everything by its rays of energy. Radiating as the sun, we feel exquisitely good, as we are being sustained by our alignment within the harmonious mathematical workings of the universe. If alignment with the harmonious scientific laws of creation is so enlivening, can we imagine what direct alignment with the source of creation would lend our consciousness?

In fact, we can't imagine, but we can experience an ever-expanding consciousness by loving unconditionally! Basic consciousness is our state of awareness at any given moment. Consciousness is scientific because we grow in awareness using the natural principle of cause and effect: Our loving actions are the cause, and the effect is our ever increasing awareness of being interconnected with the rest of creation.

In order to come to our full state of consciousness we go through a scientific process of evolution. An analogy can be seen by the various stages of a human life, from babyhood to the accumulated wisdom of old age. In general, the individual progression can be seen awakening, and gradually integrated into the whole of living over time.

These aspects make up a pathway to the full potential of human consciousness:

1) Instinct--preservation; reproduction;
2) Mind--analysis, planning, arranging the situation to suit personal desires;
3) Loving, giving, caring, sharing--considering the needs of others and acting for the best resolve of the situation;
4) Self -Realization--experiencing happiness as a quality of one's own being;
5) Universal Consciousness; Communion--vibrantly experiencing one's self within every atom of creation; by will power, using the infinite resources to create that which uplifts, energizes, and harmonizes.

With a fully developed consciousness, we flavor well how we act upon our instincts, desires, and caring concerns--all aspects of mind working through our brain cells which direct the functioning and movements of our body. We notice that when we are feeling best physically, it is easier to both think creatively, and use deductive reasoning. Our mind functions best when our brain cells are healthiest. And that is deductive reasoning--showing the interdependent functioning of brain and mind!

Intuitive and factual information as well as input from our sense organs are stored in brain cells. And conversely, our thoughts direct our brain cells, which in turn send out the messages to make our body function as we wish. Our brain plays the role of receiver, storer, and sender--all under the direction of our will. We, to whatever lesser or greater degree we are aware of doing so, decide what instructions to give our brain to be carried out to the whole of our body for action. When conscious thought is not directing our brain activities--such as in deep sleep--the instinctual functioning of the brain takes over to keep the body alive.

All sources of information influence our thoughts. It is by our will power that we decide what to do to have the fullest experience of life. We move towards our full consciousness--reversing digressions--by following the outer guidelines set forth by ethical, moral, religious, and civil codes of behavior. These guidelines serve as our safety net while we develop our own strong conscience--and the consciousness that follows it!

Compartments of mind
arranging through compartments of brain
for expression
Balance and harmony
preserved or regained
by willpower applied to living consciously...

© Susan Kramer 1997


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