Seeker Magazine

Random Thoughts for January

by: Watercolour Stain

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Ahhh... 1999, closer to "the end of the world"... ha ha ha. Okay, just the year 2000. We as a human race are becoming more and more technologically advanced every time we step out of our homes.

What's my point? The jobs out there are a limiting two. Technology and Service. And I'd like to discuss my recent "random thought" on service.

Everyone has been to grocery stores, clothing outlets, banks, and restaurants. It's a great thing isn't it? People there, waiting on you, helping you, making life easier for you.

Not only are they serving you, but they often have comment cards so you can "grade" them on their performance as a service provider. How was the atmosphere? Is the store clean? Was the service fast? Did you receive friendly service?

Well, have you ever thought about what these people think about YOU? What if every bag boy, clothing attendant, banker, and waiter had a chance to fill out a comment card on you as a consumer?

Are you courteous? Polite? Do you look them, the service providers, in the eye when they ask you a question? Do you actually move your mouth when you speak or are your words a mumble? Do you put an item back in its proper place if you decide not to purchase it - or do you toss it wherever it's convenient? Do you blame the waiter if the chef undercooked or overcooked your steak? (The waiter can't see inside that piece of meat, you know.)

Crazy, huh? We are often in such a hurry, that it is easy to forget that the people helping us through our day are people. There's a thought to carry you through the new year.

What would all these service providers write in YOUR comment card?

(Copyright 1998 by Watercolour Stain - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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