Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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February 2002

Creative Journeys

the real
the unreal
the surreal
the journey of artistry
the urge of finding...calling...answering
the journey of one's self in response to the image that absorbs one's self
the journey of movement...forward...backward...around in circles
following bold impulses
retreating to contemplation
the creation that surrounds
nature and human
artistry human and wild
images human and wild
the created...the observed
the simple...the ornate

You will find a link on the index page to webpages for the artists' group to which I belong. We're having a show in Denver in February, and I've set up a page for each member with an example of their work and their statement regarding their art. I've been madly printing out invites on our HP, and my sister has undergone a lightning fast html course vis-a-vis an html manual and has put the pages she has done for most of this issue of Seeker. I am deeply thankful that she has done so, or I would be even grumpier than I have been these past couple of weeks.

there is wonder in this world,
   we try so hard to kill it
there is caring in this world
   we work so hard to ignore it
there is truth in this world,
   we don't care to speak it
there is love in this world,
   we don't care to give it

I do realize that the little poem above is not true of everyone; I certainly know quite a few who don't fit it at all. But it sure seems to fit all too many people. (I'm reading Tomorrow's Children by Riane Eisler, teaching the difference between a partnership mode of living with people and the way society has been living under a dominator mode.)

I am a child of this world
I am strong and I am free
I am a child of this circle
we help each other as family
I am a child of this earth
grateful for all that sustains me
I am a child of this place
as water flows and grasses grow
as rabbits bound and prairie dogs mound
I follow with great wonder

I am a child of this earth
I am a spirit endless and free
the summer blooms
the winter snows
the sunsets color
the sunrise rose
in play with friends
the helping hands

I am a child of loving kindness
I am a child of joy and laughter
I am a child of strength and beauty
I am a child of this earth

So be it. May you live in peacefulness.

Looking down into Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, with the Jemez Mts. in the distance
Photo and writing copyright 2002 by Cherie Staples.

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Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at