Seeker Magazine

Living from Spirit
Dream a Little Bigger

by Diana Kennedy

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Do you remember when you were a little kid (I know you do!) and you DREAMED BIG? You just knew that when you GREW UP, you'd be RICH or FAMOUS, or BOTH? You knew you'd travel to far away places and have a big home, just like your sister's dollhouse! You knew you'd have happy relationships, a meaningful job, perfect health and prosperity to do and have the finer things in life. You knew this, because you pictured it in your mind. You imagined it all "in your head."

But then, the vision faded. The dream shrunk. As you got older and "wiser", somehow this childhood dream got set aside for some "reality". Somehow or another, the home you pictured yourself owning got smaller or maybe it became an apartment to rent. In your relationships, you started to just "get by" instead of flourishing. Your job wasn't the one you imagined yourself doing when you grew up. Instead it became just showing up, exchanging dollars for time. You stagnated. You became fearful without realizing it! What happened?

Do you remember the Bible quote, "Where there is no vision, the people will perish…" This is what happened to me and so many others that I know. Our dreams shrunk! What if as children, we were encouraged and nurtured to dream big and believe in ourselves, so that as adults, we are not living a life of survival, but one of thrival?

Did your dream of having all your needs met and living a lavish lifestyle get squashed? Did someone older and wiser than you "fill you in" on how it would be in the "real world"? Now you find yourself, barely able to pay the bills even though you've been climbing that corporate ladder for years? Or maybe you work for yourself but you slave away at it for less than what you would make working for the company down the street? And not even enjoy what you do?

Let's go back to that childhood dream… What if things could be a little more like the dreams you had as a child? What if you could still have your heart's desires?

Success begins with desire! Get out a piece of paper and write down all the things you'd like to have, to be, and to do in this lifetime! And then, next to each desire, write down WHY you'd like to see each one manifested! Your WHY is your prayer, it is your request to the Universe to bring you that which you desire. The bigger the WHY, the faster and easier it will come to you.

If you notice any negative thoughts coming up when you think about a desire actually manifesting in your life, grab another piece of paper, turn it horizontally, and draw a line down the middle. Write your limiting belief on the left hand side of the paper and on the right side, transform that belief into one that serves you better. Even if you alter the belief in a minor way, you will shift it to one that will bring you closer to attracting your deepest desires into your life. For example, on the left hand side of the page you might write, "I'll never make enough money to travel to Greece." On the right side of the page you could say, "As creative as I am, it will be natural for me to come up with fun ways of getting the perfect amount of money to travel to Greece." Continue like this until you feel good about all of your desires. Let go and let God, and then, sit back and watch things manifest in your life!

Another way to take your dreams up a notch is to hang out with people that have successfully created the things you wish to be, to do or to have in your life. Rub elbows with them! Listen to them! Listen to them talk about their vacations, their relationships, their businesses. Let yourself get caught up in the feeling of how it would be to live your life a little more like theirs! In your spare time, hang out with those people who express the qualities that you'd have and watch yourself grow into the person you'd really like to be! Learn to dream a little bigger. Become more loving, prosperous, creative - a new and improved you!

About the author:
Diana Kennedy is the author of an E-newsletter, syndicated monthly column, and website named Living from Spirit. For more information, you may visit her website Diana Kennedy .

(Copyright 2002 by Diana Kennedy- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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