Seeker Magazine

As Real As A Cosmic Rainbow

by Michael Levy

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As we gaze out on the horizon twixt ocean and sky we can sometimes observe a magnificent rainbow arching over the waves. It is indeed a spectacular sight, but how real is it? A rainbow contains seven colors: Red Blue Yellow Green Orange Indigo Violet and when we add Black and White, we have the paint box that colors everything on earth. Rays of sunlight enters a rain droplet and then the pure white light is reflected inside the prism of the raindrop, then split into seven colors which we refer to as the spectrum..... A wave band of exotic vivid air reflecting the suns burning gasses. That in itself is a miraculous reflection of imagination, for none of it is tangible to human touch, taste, smell or hearing...... it can only be viewed through the lens of human eyesight and that also requires miraculous, divine/quantum mechanics to function.

Rene Descartes first thought about the construction of a rainbow by viewing it as of one single drop of water and how it interacts with sunlight. In 1637 he wrote: "A single ray of light has a pathetic repertoire, limited to bending and bouncing (into water, glass or air, and from mirrors). But when rays are put together into a family - sunlight, for example - the possibilities get dramatically richer. This is because a family of rays has the holistic property, not inherent in any individual ray, that it can be focused so as to concentrate on caustic lines and surfaces. Caustics are the brightest places in an optical field. They are the singularities of geometrical optics. The most familiar caustic is the rainbow, a grossly distorted image of the Sun in the form of a giant arc in the skyspace of directions, formed by the angular focusing of sunlight that has been twice refracted and once reflected in raindrops."

A little later in time a scientist by the name of Isaac Newton discovered that by shining a beam of sunlight through a glass prism it split into the seven colors of the rainbow. The question is how real is color (which is actually just reflections of gasses burning within the Sun) and then the question becomes ........ How real is real?

Just as a rainbow appears in the sky and vanishes just as quickly, so human life on earth sparks in a flash, as the sperm enters the egg. Life also finishes just as abruptly with the expiration of life's energizing vitality.

The interlude between life and death is but a star-twinkle in cosmic terms. A facade of one act plays that projects concepts and perceptions, dancing upon a spinning-top rock, sailing through space and time.

Accordingly, is a human life on earth just a well fashioned rainbow that seems real enough, but is, in true essence, just a reflection of cosmic particles, that project animated objects, that contain universal intelligence?

Indeed, comparing humans with a rainbow...... the rainbow must be as intelligent as a human or how else could it form itself in the same immaculate shape and color order every time?

Of course, the intellect will reply it is just automated nature that gives a rainbow its form, but all of nature needs an orchestration and no orchestration can be in-tune without a conductor. How different is the reality of a rainbow to the reality of a human life, bearing in mind most of the human body was once a rainbow shining in the sky.(The human body is eighty percent water).

Just because human beings have a brain with intellectual knowledge, does not mean they can appear to be any more real than a rainbow. If mortal beings will concede they are akin to a rainbow, they will begin to understand that ......... Worry and anxiety can only manifest itself from a mind that is out of tune with its own identity/selfhood. Each rain droplet reflects the whole of the spectrum...likewise every cell of the human body reflects the whole of the cosmos.

The bottom line is, we are all melded from cosmic rainbows, so how about we all shine our radiance throughout humanity and become the authentic beacons of light we were tailored to become.

Rainbows don't make wars and never worry about the outlook, for they discern that after every storm they will refresh and renew within a clouds silver lining.

The next time you see a rainbow in the sky remember..... You are looking at the future generations of humanity in a more colorful light........

Oh! by the way, If you are wondering where your pot of gold is hiding.....It is not at the end of the rainbow.....It is in your heart. You hold the treasures of the universe within your own true self.


Michael Levy is the author four books "What is the Point? "Minds of Blue Souls of Gold" "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think" and "Invest with a Genius." Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines throughout the world. His philosophies have become a major source of Truth, Wisdom and Love for many people

Web Sites : Point of Life

(Copyright 2004 by Michael Levy - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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