Seeker Magazine

The Light Articles: "I've Got The Power"

by Jamie Sanders

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“Get up off your knees and stop beggin' God.
God has already done everything for you that God can do.”
             Rev. Johnnie Coleman

The Rev. Johnnie Coleman is probably one of the most dynamic speakers I've ever had the privilege to attentively watch deliver one of her life changing messages. Not only did I listen to the words that came from her spirit, but also I felt every word she spoke reverberate through my soul. I was moved, I was touched, and I wanted to get out of my seat and move, dance and even shout, because suddenly I was exuberant about this age ole' concept that I was so loved by “God,” “Spirit,” “The Universe,” whichever you choose to call it, that I could change my life in an instant by owning this new found truth as my own personal, spiritual credo. I have within me the God-given ability to create my reality, whether it is one of great happiness or one of pain and suffering. The choice truly is mine.

I'm not sure why we continually find this spiritual truth so difficult to conceive, but while in human form it appears to be one we struggle with while trying to remember who were created to be. God in expression! God has given us a power within our beings to see us through all things. The power to create, the power to heal, the power do miraculous things by having created us in the image and likeness of what this being known as God is. When I think on these things, I AM (God's name in us) empowered in the moment. I feel that I can accomplish anything that is mine to do. As I think and meditate on these principles I can and do remember that I AM unstoppable simply because of who I AM in Spirit.

This power stays with us as long as we stay focused on our spiritual nature, but the moment we begin to stray from this place of inner dwelling, one finds themselves forgetting their strength, forgetting that they have the power to handle all situations with courage and fearlessness. We may find ourselves feeling less than, unworthy at times and even overwhelmed by the day-to-day activities life brings. We Grow weak, tired and impatient. I find I have less to give to the world when I'm in this place and I want to hide away from people and obligations till I can regroup and rejuvenate my body, mind and spirit. This is the place where we find we must surrender. Surrender to our lack of faith, our belief that of by ourselves, we can fix whatever it is that has gone astray without our spirit intact. It is in this place that we find we must in a sense, or literally drop to our knees and seek guidance, strength and healing from the great source that lies within.

This is not about weakness, or failure, but rather about trust and the strength of humbly surrendering all our pain and unresolved issues so that we might rise again renewed and aligned to our connection to all that is.

Some of our greatest awakenings come when we are willing to lay aside all our “what will people think or say about me's”, when we move a little further from the ego and a little deeper into our hearts, it is there that we are changed at depth. Surrender for myself these days is never about feeling weak, but rather about strength and spiritual power. It realigns me with my true nature and in that place things flow smoothly and less chaotic.

Several years ago I heard a song by Jaci Velasquez that really moved me. It touched my spirit and I knew the moment I head it, it was a song I would never forget. To this day on many Sunday's I open our church service with this song. I'm not sure everyone in the sanctuary hears the words, or feels the vibration the song brings, but I do. I know that when I play that song in that old church it brings with it energy of healing and surrender to all who are gathered there. There is a part of the lyrics that often times will bring me to tears when my heart and soul may be hurting and feeling a little lost, but they remind me to keep hanging on to my truth that no matter what, I can and will make it.

'Cause I've learned in laughter or in pain How to survive. I get on my knees, I get on my knees; There I am before the love that changes me. See I don't know how, but there's pow'r When I'm on my knees.

If there is something in your life that is troubling you, be willing to surrender it. Be willing to ask for Spirit to guide your way and give you the wisdom to make another choice. Spirit always answers. Guidance always comes. “Seek and ye shall find…” Simply “Knock and the door will be opened.”

I Get On My Knees

         Recorded by Jaci Velasquez

There are days when I feel
the best of me is ready to begin.
Then there're days when I feel
I'm letting go and soaring on the wind.
'Cause I've learned in laughter or in pain
How to survive.

I get on my knees, I get on my knees;
There I am before the love that changes me.
See I don't know how, but there's pow'r
When I'm on my knees.

I can be in a crowd
or by myself, in almost anywhere
when I feel there's a need
to talk with God; He is Emmanuel.
When I close my eyes no darkness there,
There's only light.

I get on my knees, I get on my knees;
There I am before the love that changes me.
See I don't know how, but there's pow'r
in the blue skies, in the midnight
When I'm on my knees.

I get on my knees, I get on my knees;
There I am before the love that changes me.
See I don't know how, but there's pow'r
When I'm on my oh, when I'm on my,
When I'm on my knees.

      Written by David Mullen, Nicole Coleman - Mullen, Michael Ochs

Until next month, be good to yourself, be good to others, walk your talk and Keep spreading “The Light.”

(Copyright 2004 by Jamie Sanders- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Jamie Sanders at Jamie