By M. Brandon DeGeorge

It's a Long Story...

Well...I had it all set and ready to go, this month's article for Seeker was good, if a bit scattered, like my brain has been for the past week or so. It was about love, and how everyone should give as much as they can, whenever they can, so that we as humans can transcend above our petty squabbles, and really get into some serious spirituality. Then my computer crashed, and I lost the whole article...not just one version of it...the entire thing...gone, just like that.

I could, write it over and make a lesser version of the inspired document that would of made it to you, but I don't think that that's just. It's not fair to my readers to give them something half as good as what I can do, and what you deserve.

So...what will I write for you, then? Well, I could tell you about my recent experiences with love, and how it's both broken my heart, and saved my soul in the past month or two. I could also tell you how it continues to elude my understanding of it, and how I can't comprehend the ways it's been making me feel. I know that I can feel love, deeply, very deeply, and that makes life both easier and more difficult at the same time. Go one said life was simple. Live and learn.

Building Blocks and Tumbling Rocks

We know love isn't good or evil, but is it's own side of the triangle of balance (remember I said we'd talk about triangles, last month), a trinity, so to speak, that keeps the whole universe melded together and moving foward in time. It's not the most steady balance around, and we as mortal creatures are highly sensitve to it's sway. We have no choice but to deal, however, because as mortal creatures, there's nothing we can do about it. Not yet, anyway.

Hopefully, my ideal, is that we do grow up to understand the nature of our surroundings so that we can see love for what it really is, whatever that may be. My thinking is that love is sort of a cosmic glue that keeps things together, including humans. Friendships, intimate relationships, family, the people that are closest to you and your spiritual self are the ones you love the most. That's not to say you can't love a business relation. It's just a different level of love, that's all. You say "like" or "fond" to describe's still love.

And the Greatest Gift of All...

If love is cosmic glue, and it keeps people together, just like it keeps the basic forces of nature and the universe together, then it must keep people together, too. I know...lost you on that one..let's elaborate: If love can keep two people together, than it should also keep one person from falling apart. We call this a healing process. Love can heal someone who's hurting, and in dire need of some compassion. I bet most of you know how a hug feels..and hopefully most of you also know how it feels to be in love. It's great, it's indescribable, and I hope, if you're like can't do without it.

Well...some people go without it every day, even though nobody deserves that. These people are hurting, even though they might not know it, or maybe they're in denial. Either way, these people are reeling from a hurt that's impossible to heal, without help. Love can heal anything..and so we should do our best to see that we help these people the best we can. How do we know who these people are? Well, we may know some people around us like that, but we don't know everyone. The only thing to do is to make sure you give your love to everyone. We don't need to think in extremes, here...not everyone is going to be accepting of a hug from a be careful. Sometimes just smile and a hello is enough to make a person's day. Hey, imagine if everyone did that...the world would be that much better.

If life is a road, then you should remember to check your oil often.

Siwrnai dda

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