Seeker: Article

Seeker Magazine

The Great Experiment II

by OwlWoman33

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Two years ago, on April 23rd, 1998, hundreds of thousands of people in over eighty countries stopped to "Pray Peace" for ten minutes. The goal was to show scientifically what the mystics and sages have always said, that a focused, feeling-based prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. James Twyman, one of the sponsors of the vigil, was at the United Nations in New York with nearly forty ambassadors when the vigil took place. Minutes before it began a woman stepped into the center of the circle and said these words:

"Four years, four months, four weeks and four days ago, a group of Hopi elders came to the UN to give their vision of the New World. One of the things they said was, 'Four years, four months, four weeks and four days from now, something would happen at the UN that would change the world.' This is the day these great people prophesied."

Now, two years later, at the break of a new millennium, it is time to repeat the same Great Experiment. And just as two years ago, there will be a link to the United Nations. "The Cloth of Many Colors Project" is a way for millions of people to make a tangible contribution to world peace, initiating the New World. This year the Great Experiment will be combined with the Cloth project creating a simple yet powerful way to welcome a new era of peace. (For more information on "The Cloth of Many Colors Project" just click onto this address Emissary of Light and scroll down)

Gregg Braden, Doreen Virtue and James Twyman for:

The Great Experiment II
Easter Sunday,
April 23rd, 2000,

at 2pm New York time
(7pm, GMT)

During the original Great Experiment, an attempt was made to measure the effect of a world-wide meditation on the resonant frequency patterns of the planet. Though the experiment was partially successful, fluctuations in the planetary field made it difficult to accumulate any usable data. Other experiments have been conducted by the Transcendental Meditation group with amazing success. Most of these experiments, however, have been conducted on a smaller scale (city by city), and not during a focused world-wide vigil.

Our goal is to mobilize millions of people around the world to participate in an experiment focused on measuring the effect of a global meditation on human consciousness. (This will be done in two ways: by studying sample cities where large groups of people will gather during the Great Experiment, and through a scientific data system that measures shifts in consciousness.) It will also be a powerful way to participate in "The Cloth of Many Colors Project," adding your energy to a peace banner that will be wrapped around the base of the UN on September 5, 2000.

Here's how you can join us:

1. We are encouraging people to gather together in groups wherever possible and follow a very simple format based on an ancient feeling-based modality of prayer. If you are a member of a church, invite the entire congregation to join you. If you have friends that would like to be involved, invite them to your home. And make sure everyone brings a small piece of cloth that they will bless during the vigil. This is the cloth that will be added to the peace banner to be wrapped around the UN on September 5th, 2000.

2. If you are unable to join a group, then simply become aware of the millions of other people who are meditating at the same time. And once again, have a small piece of cloth that comes from something you love that you can hold and bless.

3. Join Doreen Virtue and James Twyman (as well as Gregg Braden via conferencing) for a special full day workshop in Joshua Tree, California on April 22, and a live meditation on Easter Sunday the 23rd. The workshop will help you access your own Divine Guidance, revealing many powerful ways you can participate in the universal transformation that is sweeping the planet. For more information about being with James, Doreen and Gregg, please visit Workshop Schedule or call 1-888-705-1212 to register."

Then, at the appropriate time in your time zone, stop for ten minutes and follow this simple format:

Begin by breathing deeply and get very comfortable. If you have a small piece of cloth hold it in your hands and begin to remember the happiest moment of your life. Allow yourself to "FEEL" the experience as if it were happening to you again. Then, after several minutes, drop the story from your mind but hold onto the feeling of peace and joy. When the feeling has filled your heart, say out loud:

"I accept peace this moment for myself and for all sentient beings on this and every planet. I accept my role as an Emissary of Light, and I allow this feeling of peace to extend from me as a blessing to the whole universe. Peace prevails on earth because the choice has been made by me, and I join with everyone around the world who is making the same choice this very moment. May Peace Prevail On Earth (3X) (and finally, with energy) PEACE PREVAILS ON EARTH!"

Say these words as much as you like for around ten minutes. Then sit for a moment or two charging the piece of cloth you hold with the feeling of peace. That cloth will be added to millions of others from around the world and will be sewn together for the UN. That banner will then be cut into prayer shawls which James Twyman will present to the leaders of every country in the world as a tangible symbol of millions of prayers of peace. Send the cloth to:

Cloth of Many Colors
PO BOX 1054
Joshua Tree, CA 92252

The Experiment:
The results of this experiment will be posted in two ways. First of all, we will try to have some information within 2-3 weeks that we will post on the following websites:

Emissary Of Light
Angel Therapy
Gregg Braden
We also want to hear how The Great Experiment has changed your life, and your stories may be published in an upcoming book by Doreen Virtue. These stories provide us with empirical data that helps determine the effectiveness of a focused world prayer vigil.

Please send stories about:
1. What happened to you during the vigil, and
2. How your life changed over the next few days.

Send the stories to

"Praying Peace:
A mystic, a scientist and a psychologist
examine the most powerful force in the universe."

Findhorn Press is also publishing a book called "Praying Peace" written by James Twyman, Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue that will be released later this year. (If you would like to reserve an advance copy at 40% off click here: ) Much of the information that is gathered from the vigil will be released in this book.

Join The Great Experiment Live, Online

World Puja will broadcast The Great Experiment live, linking thousands of people through cyberspace. If you've never participated in a World.Puja broadcast, this will be a great opportunity to feel the energy. Go the website today and check it out.

Pass this Message

"The Great Experiment" and the "Cloth of Many Colors Project" are ways for you to join millions of other people in creating a world based upon the laws of love rather than the rules of fear. Pass this message on to everyone you know. This IS the moment you've been waiting for.

Table of Contents

Letter to the author:
OwlWoman33 at