Seeker Magazine


by Bhupinder Singh

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The other night, a man was playing the grand piano on the ground floor in the lobby of a hotel in which I was staying. I was watching from high above on the ninth floor. Then, at 9:10, he got up after finishing his last song, locked the piano, collected his music sheets into his case, and walked away, disappearing under me.

The music stopped.

The piano remained.

Which got me thinking. That is death. Really then, there is nothing to be afraid of at all! Just the music will stop, the body will remain, and the musician will walk away and play his songs elsewhere. Just because the musician leaves the piano doesn't mean the musician is dead. Just because the music stops doesn't mean that the music will not be heard again. It is we, only, who think otherwise. The facts remain as they are, unbending to our judgements of them.

(Copyright 2000 by Bhupinder Singh - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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