The World of Stories

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Join us at the campfire for tales from around the world, told by storytellers of all backgrounds and creeds. From the heros and heroines of old, let us relearn and rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors. Shhh..the story begins..

Legend Of The Twelve:

A Chinese Folktale by: NovaReinna


Because it is based on the lunar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls between January 21 and February 19 annually and the calendar follows a cycle of twelve years. According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals of the Zodiac were selected by the Jade Emperor after he invited all the animals to participate in a race. At the conclusion of the race, a year was named after each of the twelve winners. Since that time, people have looked to the Zodiac to understand their individual personalities. It is believed that a person shares many characteristics with the animal that rules his or her birth year and to a lesser extent, the characteristics of the animals immediately on either side of that year. What follows is the tale of this legendary race...the fable of how the Chinese Zodiac came to be...and why the Cat and the Rat will always be bitter enemies.


A very long time ago, there lived in China a Cat and a Rat. They were the best of friends. They dined together. They played together. They slept together. Then, one day, the Emperor of China decided to stage a race among all the animals in the land, decreeing that the first twelve animals to cross the finishing line would have a year in the Chinese calendar named for them. This would be quite an honor.

"To win the race will be far from easy," the Emperor warned. "Each of you must run through the thickest area of the forest and then swim the river at its widest point."

Cat and Rat both wished to be the first to cross the finish line, but they were well aware they would probably be two of the smallest animals to participate in the contest.

"We will never make it," Rat complained to Cat.

"Oh, I believe we will," replied the resourceful Cat. "We will ask Water Buffalo to help us. He could provide us with a head start since he always awakes before sunrise. Maybe we could even ride upon his back."

So, Cat and Rat convinced Buffalo to wake them early on the day of the race and, the next morning, Buffalo was up long before dawn. "Rouse yourselves," he grumbled to the sleeping Cat and Rat. "We had best get started!"

Cat and Rat climbed upon Buffalo's back, but they were so sleepy that by the time they had fully awakened, they were halfway across the river.

Rat woke up first. He noticed the Emperor standing at the finish line far, far away. "Why should I share the glory of first place with Cat and Buffalo?" Rat asked himself in a quietly selfish voice.

"Wake up, my friend," he cried to Cat. "Look at all those tasty fish swimming in the water!"

Cat licked her lips and leaned over for a closer look. Acting quickly, Rat gave her a little push. With a huge splash, the unfortunate Cat tumbled into the water. Buffalo turned his head to see what had made the splash. He failed to see poor Cat, however. What he did see instead were the other animals in the race...and they were close behind him. Without giving Cat or Rat another thought, Buffalo sped toward the Emperor. Just as he neared the riverbank, the clever Rat leapt from behind Buffalo's ear and crossed the finish line in first place.

"And how did such a small animal manage to win the race?" asked the Emperor in amazement.

"I may be small but I am also extremely smart," replied Rat and he scampered proudly up onto the winner's podium. Buffalo knew he had been tricked into second place, but he could only grunt in dismay.

Meanwhile, back in the river, Cat was trying to swim along with the other animals. She hated water...but if it were necessary to swim in order to win the race, then Cat determined that was exactly what she would do.

Far ahead of her, Tiger came roaring across the finish line. "Am I first?" he growled anxiously.

"No," Rat told him with a smug grin. "You would have had to be most awfully clever to beat me!"

"And you would have had to get up extra early to beat me!" added Buffalo.

Cat scrambled onto a log, only pausing long enough to shake herself off and catch her breath.

By this time, the sky was growing dark and a great storm appeared to be brewing. A Dragon appeared in the clouds above. He was far too large to run through woods or swim across a river, so the Emperor had informed him that he could race through the sky, braving the rains and the wind. But no sooner had Dragon begun his descent to Earth, than a Rabbit darted across the finish line in front of him, thus taking fourth place. Blowing small puffs of angry smoke, the Dragon had no choice but to be content with fifth position.

Back in the river, Cat heaved a great sigh and then plunged into the water again. "I can still make it," she told herself. But Snake slithered across the finish line next and hissed a silvery greeting to the five animals who had arrived before him as he assumed number six in line.

Cat swam just as fast as she could. A few moments later, she heard the sound of galloping hooves in the distance and Horse thundered across the finish line in seventh place.

Goat and Monkey now were not too far behind. They jumped onto the same log upon which Cat had rested and paddled across the finish line almost at the same time...but Goat beat Monkey by a mere whisker.

While the nine winners waited patiently with the Emperor, Cat watched Rooster struggle toward the finish line. Dog could have easily swum ahead of Rooster, but she simply could not resist the urge to play in the water for just a few minutes longer...with her tail wagging happily.

"Number ten!" called the Emperor as Rooster staggered in.

"Number eleven!" he cried as Dog arrived.

"Now, who will be number twelve?" asked the Emperor. "I need just one more animal!"

"Me!" Cat called out. "I will be number twelve!" And she swam even faster than before. Unfortunately for poor little Cat, however, Pig dashed across the finish line in front of her.

"Number twelve!" announced the Emperor, but Cat was still too far away to hear what he was saying.

"Congratulations to all the winners!" said the Emperor with a broad smile. "One of the twelve years will be named after each of you."

Suddenly, up rushed Cat. She was tired and wet and more than a little unhappy about swimming across the river on her own. "How did I do?" she asked anxiously. "Am I one of the winners?"

"I am very sorry, my dear Cat," replied the Emperor, "but twelve positions have been filled."

Upon hearing this news, Cat let out a yowl and tried to pounce on Rat. Her claws scratched the tip of his tail, but Rat managed to squeeze himself under the Emperor's chair just in time.

And that is why, even to this very day, Cat and Rat are bitter enemies.

Novareinna welcomes all tale-travelers to Penumbra, her beautiful site/sight of stories and poetry and design.

A section has been added to Penumbra entitled "Rainbow Bridge," dedicated to the memory of our beloved animal companions. It features various pieces of work, whose words, it is hoped, will bring solace and comfort to those who have lost a dear little furry (or feathered or scaled...etc.) one.

It contains an area known as "BlueBird Bower" where a memorial may be placed by anyone upon request in the name of their departed pet (no species refused).

Just click on "RainBow Bridge" on the home page to access the area described.

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Letter to the Author:
Novareinna at