Seeker Magazine

Truth Evolves

by Ornesha De Paoli

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Two years ago, it was "correct" for me to believe that the light was good and the dark was bad. The whole idea of LIGHT, for me, was spiritual, and God-centered, while DARK was considered to be those elusive forces that wanted to come in and take over your soul in ways that one would need to protect oneself from.

I could look at many things that were taking place in our government and believe there was a darkness or negative quality to them. I would send them light and "good thoughts", hoping, and sometimes feeling that my little part in it was making a difference. I distinctly remember thinking that the ones who would wield their guns at schools and begin shooting children were dark people, and were in need of people like me sending them and the families of the slain children my light and love. But, that was my truth. While I had the belief that I could somehow help this situation with my thoughts, still others I knew of were saying that the entire world was becoming darker and how imperative it was to continue going to church so that at least "they" would be able to go to heaven. That was their truth. I used to believe that if I somehow shielded myself from negativity, that it would not be able to penetrate the layer of light I placed around myself. That was also my truth.

When asked the question, "Does truth evolve?" Nearly all people would say, "Yes, absolutely it does! Evolution must take place for our growth." This would include evolution of thought and matter. Before electricity was something that could be utilized for the betterment of humankind, it wasn't considered truth to have a light bulb in your house, since the concept of it had not been placed in the collective. Before Christ showed himself to other living beings after his death, most people on earth had no concept of the immortality of the soul. Thus, a new truth was brought to the collective consciousness.

So, when does truth not evolve? Ask yourself if you've held the same truth for a number of years. Do you ever get the feeling like there's something else missing, but don't want to speak or think about things that may or may not be true? Or speak or think of things that are too far outside of conventional thought for you? Might you sound too outrageous? What if you've moved away from conventional religion into a deeper spirituality? Odds are that somewhere along the way you've felt that you were leaving friends and even family members behind. Some of you may have even walked away from jobs and careers, realizing they no longer fit into your life. You may feel challenged in many areas of your life and simply do not want to bring more of that to you. Everyone gets to take a rest now and then, and sometimes it's almost necessary to step away from the plate, and take a deep breath. If you, however, find yourself holding onto a truth because of the fear of losing something else, whether it be your friends, family, job or even soul, it might be time to ask yourself if your truth is indeed evolving.

For some, it may be the fear of losing something that feels, in its own way, comfortable, but for others, it may be feeling accustomed to being in that comfortable place. If you've been one to speak your truth to others, and, these others have listened to you, what would happen if your truth changed? Would they still listen to you? Or, would they hear you and think that maybe you really didn't know what you're talking about in the first place, since you've changed you "mind?"

While any change in thought or lifestyle may feel incredibly challenging, it will only feel that way temporarily. You will find yourself surrounded, for the most part, by others who literally show up in your life, waiting to hear your new, evolved truth. The time, however, for preaching what is true for you, is over. There is not a way for you to speak the things you feel inside to a captive audience, and wish for them to believe as you do. This won't happen. People will show up, metaphorically, at your door to simply share a moment with you. This is the way your truth will be shared. Not by force, not by going door to door and handing out pamphlets, and certainly not by bringing together a congregation to believe the same things as you. Those are the ways of the past, and certainly not the way of the new energy and the personal journey to true ascension.

As I once believed that light was GOOD, and dark was BAD, I now have the understanding that light and dark are both neither good or bad, better or worse. They are both necessary components to the world of duality, and both carry with them very distinct and equally important functions to expand who you are. How is it that God would be able to know itself, or in other words, how is it that YOU would be able to know yourself if not for all aspects of self? They are not to be judged, less continued duality is desired. If that's the case, the judging of good and bad, light and dark is necessary, since there is more understanding that needs to take place. If, however, you feel that you no longer wish to be a part of duality and the old ways of Earth, if you feel that you no longer need to look into a mirror image of yourself through another, or if you feel that karma no longer has to play a role in your life, then release duality. Accept the path of others through compassion for them, accept their choices as perfect for them while on their soul path, and speak your new and evolving truth through your heart to those who come knocking at your door.

(Copyright 2003 by Ornesha De Paoli - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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