Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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The Hunger of Creation - Part Two

When the Stomach Is Your God

(Return full circle)

Imagine if people spoke with God as often as they addressed their appetites...

"I'm going to feed you and give you my full attention,
my little expando balloon, never mind that Big Guy in the sky!"

Examine the concepts if people caressed an aptitude for greatness as often as they messed with their usual slack attitudes...

Conceptualize if people took a deeper breath with their higher selves as often as they undressed quick, immediate, and convenient seductions...

"I'm going to pray & see myself carrying out a thorough stuffing my face,
never mind receiving the light of radiant Holy Spirit into my being!"

Perceive the potential if people engaged within the realm of possibilities as often as they redressed their grievances...

Visualize the victory from being impressed with an awareness of stunning Spirit, instead of slumming with your same old habitual boundaries...

Conceive the upliftment if others were to ask for communion with Divinity as often as they regressed into lavish eating and buying binges...

"I'm jonsing for some Frito Lays™ right now! ...
And I think I'll max out my credit card at Robinsons/May!"

Consider the potential were your peers to activate prayers with their Highest power as often as they ingress food or sex into their bottomless pits ... (more, more, more)!

Inquire what could happen if people worked with God, Creator, as frequently as they eased backward into their typical daily transgressions...

Now picture the progress if people honored their spirituality -- and one another -- as regularly as they indulged and filled grumbling stomachs and their oppressive hungers...

(Return full circle, take two)

IMAGINE if people spoke with God as often
as they addressed their daily appetites...


Copyright 2004 by Darius Gottlieb No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Letter to the Author at

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