Seeker Magazine

Too Much Of A Good Thing?

by Michael Levy

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Can we get too much of a good thing? .... Yes and No.

Or, to put it another way...... No and Yes!

What is it in our lives that embodies authentic, intrinsic, natural values? And what is it that accommodates emotional, egotistical, normal values, that are just false assets, that really have no value, other than putting a human being in an early grave?

Can you have too much money?.....Well, look at past history and comprehend what happened to the folks who thought money would bring them happiness? It seems every time we read the newspaper we find more greed and corruption from people who are supposedly "pillars of society" When we see their photo's they are never smiling and the greed has been planted in their eyes. So too much money can bring misery unless we discern the suitable use of it.

Can you get too much of a healthy lifestyle?...Well, that is the whole point of this article because everyone knows money does not buy happiness. But a healthy lifestyle may not bring health nor happiness if it is not balanced. It all depends on how we define healthy.

If we have not learnt how to listen to what our mind and body requires, hidden dangers lurk in the alternative ways of dealing with a lack of energy caused by stress and anxiety. We are constantly being bombarded with the greatest new 'natural' pill to give energy and although we do need supplements as we age, too much of a good thing may actually damage our health. We know that all medications have adverse side effects, but how many people realize that too many vitamin tablets will produce an overload that can turn into toxic waste, damaging the immune system?

We all know exercise is good for us, but how many people realize too much exercise can be more harmful than no exercise? For instance, someone who has blocked arteries and starts to jog vigorously could dislodge the plaque that is lining their arteries and suffer a deadly heart attack. People who run every day will do damage to the joints and ligaments over a long period of time. Exercise can become an addiction and all addictions can and do destroy human beings.

How about spirit, can we get too much of that? Well, again, yes and no. It depends how we define spirit. Religion has shown us that the more fundamentalistic we grow, the more outrageously decimating are the actions that follow. Even in contemporary new age groups, many weird cults have sprung up that dictate mantras that are very harmful. One group I hear tells folks, as long as you think something is good for you, then you can have as much as you want of it. The lady that was telling me this weighed about three hundred pounds and was a devout follower. See how too much spirit can put on weight? Or, is it not spirit at all, but just man made ideas of what they believe spirit is all about?

Does the dogma of religion turn people into atheists or were they born that way? And is too much atheism a good or bad thing? Well, it does no harm to be skeptical until something makes sense and it is proven to work. Being cut off from spirit is very harmful, but maybe atheism is saying I don't believe there is a God as described so far, but if you can prove me wrong I will change my views...... Show me God... In other words, put up or shut up. If the religious male, macho God is in all things then he must be in Satan, for who created the devil but God? If God cannot control the devil, then he is not all powerful. If he can control the devil, then why doesn't he?

Could it be because the religious macho God is pre-fabricated in man's ego image, and it took the imagination of hate-filled men to dream up a revengeful jealous God who destroys what he does not like. No self-respecting God would aspire to create evil. Only an out-of-tune Ego-Being would dream up such a monster. But, many religions pay homage to a God derived from mythology, that possesses all the illusionary human negative emotions.

Is it possible Man Created The Religious Male God in his own image and in doing so, set back humanity five thousand years? But this may just be a stepping stone for humanity, so that future generations can look back and say "We will not fall into that entanglement of misguidedness again." In spite of all the fallacious dogmas, true spirit does circulate through all religions, and they do perform a considerable amount of good work for people in need. So Spirit's authentic form can even flow through dogmatic nonsensical behavior and still project goodness and grace. Is too much religion harmful? If it was possible to ask the millions of folks who were killed in the religious God's name in holy wars, they would give you the answer.

How about meditation, can we get too much of that? Well, yet again, yes and no. If we spend all our life in silence in the lotus position, life will have passed-by unused and we would not have enjoyed all the physical world has to offer. Now there is a turn-up for the books. I can hear some people commenting Michael Levy saying we should not meditate. No, I am not saying that.

•• What I am saying is we do not need to become a monk and live in a monastery to know the truths of the soul.

•• We do not need to be a guru and sleep on a bed of nails to understand what the heart knows.

•• We do not need to become a Shaman and take weird mushrooms to create meaningful works of artistic quality.

The answer to what is "Too Much Of A Good thing" is self revealing. A person just needs to go look in the mirror and continue to do so for many weeks. If they find a truly serene, tranquil, happy smiling that lives in relaxed state of mind and is healthy without any medical help...they are wealthy enough without expert help. Then maybe that person has found a connection to something that gives humans a genuine life on earth. Whatever you want to call that something, that does not matter, for if it works, then its mechanism needs no fixing. It just is what it is and we are put on earth to enjoy... What Is.

All we require to live a natural well balanced life on earth is to understand how our mind and bodies work in synchronicity with each other and eavesdrop on the conversation our subconscious mind has with all the cells within the human universal body it controls. You see, the subconscious mind knows the cosmic script. It understands the masters blueprints. It is in-tune with the evolving creation and can fathom how to keep its human timepiece in perfect working order until the chimes ring "Times up" ... Time to go home.

Therefore we need to listen to our body. Look for signs of a headache as a signal to slow down. Look for signs of skin rashes or redness to find the cause ... Maybe it is our diet...Too many vitamins perhaps... Could it emanate from pollution....conceivably an allergy to some food.....but find where the allergy comes from. Can it be stress related? If so, what is causing the stress. You may not be able to change your surroundings, but you can alter the way you interpret them.

What about menopause? Surely we need to take something to alleviate the discomfort, the hot sweats. Well, is menopause a natural progression that every woman gets. What did women do ten thousand years ago? Is the menopause a curse, a bully who wants to attack you, or is it just nature's way of saying change your thinking because your body is changing...change your lifestyle...but don't fight me? I know, I am not a woman and I don't know what it's like, but the more you try and fight a bully, the more it will attack you. So, listen to what your mind and body are telling you and follow their lead to a happier easier life.

Where do we look for advice?
How can we find authentic meaning?
What is too much?
What is too little?
What is just right?
The only place to look for help is living deep inside you....You will never find it anywhere else. It contains no name, no label, no religion, no words, no thoughts, no-thing.

We all have a choice of how we can view our world once we understand what the choices are. Religion? Atheism? Science? Or No Labels Needed!.... Just Free Spirits? Take away the words Muslim and Jew and replace them with centered-beings, sharing planet earth. Now what is there to fight over?

We can live as a free, infinite Spirit with a temporary, central body. Or we can live in a body and mind and believe the world revolves around `only one person' or `one tribe' and no-one else. In doing so we live on the outside, not in the center. This leads to negative emotions and frustrations that dwell in an unbalanced mind.

Two choices, only one REAL eternal answer. One choice will produce Paradise, Utopia, whatever name we want to give authentic Love and Joy. The other choice will provide negative emotions that in turn gives humanity...Too Much Of A Good Thing for one nation and not enough for another. Result: War. Too Much Of A Good Thing for one person...Result; overload and an early miserable demise.

We are all celestial children playing in Spirit's playground. Spirit's cup cannot overflow...
It is objective, nonpartisan, wholesome, healthy, honest, truthful and just enough!
Live in Spirit's true realm of Love & Joy and then you live with the real thing.


Michael Levy is the author four books "What is the Point?', "Minds of Blue Souls of Gold", "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think", and "Invest with a Genius."

Web Site: Point of Life

(Copyright 2004 by Michael Levy - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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