Seeker Magazine

Bob Papcsy

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Ever since early childhood I have felt a need to be creative. In my pre-teen years I made soap carvings and modeled in clay as well as taking pictures with a little camera, always striving to be creative in composition and subject. Not being a genius, I was not able to articulate these feelings for artistic form. I just followed where they led me.

Reading was important in my life from the early years on to the present. I could read by the age of four, thanks to Uncle Don who read the "funny papers" aloud on Sunday morning over the radio. I looked at the words and read along with him. Acting and teaching were a big part of my adult life. I have been a professional actor for about thirty years. I have appeared off-Broadway and acted on radio and television and in numerous theatres. My experience ranges from Shakespeare to modern drama and comedy to musical comedy where I had to fake the dancing.

I also won a National Scholastic Magazine writing contest at the age of thirteen with a selection entitled "Tree In A Storm." This was an impetus to keep writing.

I am a late, late bloomer. I've written more in the past three years than I have in the previous fifty. There are a couple of other reasons why I write, but I don't feel qualified to speculate on the insanity that runs in my family. I believe every truly creative person is a bit "touched" in the head. Other than the aforementioned motivations, There is just that feeling that compels me to create and to have a dialogue with my fellow human beings. At times this feeling is almost a palpable ache that makes it painful to watch a terrific performance or to read a work of greatness. The drive is there and I can no longer deny it.

The Ballad of the Sober Bohemian | War and Peace | Jerry
The Questions of Confuscious and the Egg Roll | I Turned My Eyes Upward
The Gray Panthers? | A Doe | There Was A Time

The Ballad of the Sober Bohemian

He sings in
the gutter
amid orange peels
and crushed
He sings about North and South,
about green sleeves,
about blue mules
and black men.
Put a pittance
in the upturned cap.
Fifty cents.
Thank you
kind sir.
You can do with
a sober bohemian
as you can
a drunken sailor.
Shave his "balls"
with a rusty razor,
or slash his throat
with shiny six inches,
and steal his up turned
Somewhere in the night
a free spirit composes
a ballad for his friend,
the sober bohemian.
At the break of day,
somewhere, in the city,
it will be sung
in the gutter
amid orange peels
and crushed tomatoes.

Top of the Page.

War and Peace

Esprit de Corps
My country right
or wrong
Give me your
Purple mountains
The hills are
Praise the Lord
and pass
the ammunition

Top of the Page.


"Good morning, Jerry'
"Good morning, Sir.
How are you today?",
the bus boy asked me,
except that he is not
really a boy. He is a
grown man 35 to 40
years old,
who gives his employer
more than his moneys'
"I am fine, just looking
forward to the rain," I
replied. "Me too," said
Jerry. " I like the feeling
it gives you inside. I
don't know exactly, it's
like a peaceful feeling."
Jerry's sensitive observation
is worthy of a poet.
A " bus man" with poetry
in his soul, a smile on his face,
kind words from his lips,
and pride in his work. He
has imbued what must
be considered menial work,
with dignity and respect.
I envy him his peaceful
heart, as do those
customers who seek
his counsel. I am sure
he would like a few more
dollars in his wallet,
but the lack of it is
not a cause for
bitterness or hateful
feelings. On the contrary,
serious adversity that
Jerry has faced in life's
struggle has made him
stronger and more
determined. He has a
plan for life which
guides his efforts.
When knocked down,
Jerry gets up and
continues pursuing his
goal. His nature and his
will are in harmony.
It is my good fortune
that our paths have
crossed. I guess what
I have been saying is
that Jerry is a man, he
is what a man is
supposed to be.

Top of the Page.

The Questions of Confuscious
and the Egg Roll

Why do you think Confuscious
thought that eating was
philosophic in nature ?
Was consuming egg rolls actually
a form of contemplation?
Has it anything
to do with its form
and with its content ?
What did the
egg roll symbolize for Confuscious ?
Is his assessment correct?
In the simplicity
of the egg roll, does
he sacrifice the profound
or is simplicity
in itself profound ? Is the
egg roll an example
of simplicity or
is it actually a very
complicated and intricate statement ?
Can we say
that an egg roll explains
the mystery of life?
In your opinion,
what makes this a stupid
question? Postulate the theory
of life that
Confuscious puts forth in his
philosophy of the extraordinary
yet commonplace egg ?
No more questions! We need
your answers as they
are the poem.

Top of the Page.

I Turned My Eyes Upward

I stepped out the door,
looked up at the
deep blue sky not
yet dark, lingering in
half light which
cast a transparent
glow over the heavens.
I saw something new,
after years of observing
the skies. In that great
expanse there was just
one star brightly shining
in close awareness
with a thin sliver of silver,
curved like a scimitar.
this sight must be what
inspired the Turkish flag.
I felt a camaraderie
when I realized that
the ancient Turks and I
were moved by the same
sight. Heavenly views are
by nature ephemeral, and
so it was with my enraptured
observation which unknowingly
stole away with the advent
of full darkness. I was blessed
for a moment, simply,
because I turned my eyes upward.

Top of the Page.

The Gray Panthers?

Whatever happened to
the Gray Panthers?
Nobody mentions them
anymore on television or
in the papers.
I didn't thoroughly understand
their mission but in
general, I knew it was
meant to support and
further the rights of
the silver-haired among us
and let their ideas be heard.
A squeaky, hacking, emphysema
ridden voice is handled
in a condescending manner
by those with power to change
things. No real thought is given
to what is said, only lip service,
which is really a kiss-off.
There are national senior
organizations, groups
organized for those wrinkled
beings who don't quite move
as quickly as they used to.
These groups, do they help
or exploit our "seniors"
for profit or political gain?
I can't answer that but
can you picture them
leading their members
in an old-age uprising.
Instead of attacking the
establishment they are
a part of it. Why not?
I would imagine, they are
a multi-million dollar business.
Where is our leader?
Where is our "geriatric"
firebrand who has the
temerity to lead us into battle,
not afraid and not intimidated
by those who would treat us
like overgrown children.?
Yes, we have casualties of
life who no longer are
aware of the world around
them or the issues that
affect them. But,
these dear folks are in
the minority and not
representative of us all.

(continued in column to the right)
But , our "masters" would
like the world to view us
in that manner as it makes
us easier to be manipulated.
Put all our "squeaky" voices
together as one voice and
"they" will listen.
There are millions of us
with brains and energy
to be a force in this
great nation. That is their
fear. The "movers and shakers"
want you to think of yourself
as retired, past any desire
to participate in life. You
should quietly rock before
the TV with your afghan over
your legs, head bent forward
in slumber. So long as you
sleep your days away you
are no threat to their rule, to
their way of running things,
and telling you what you
should want and what to do.
Look around my fellow
victims and fight back for
a life of dignity and respect.
Start "squeaking" now!
Don't allow yourself to be
ignored in this life.
Speak up for your rights.
Don't be cheated by frauds.
Demand that you get what
you paid for.
Before you know it you
will be back in action,
a force in society that
you are a part of.
What else? Organize with
others in your community
or state. Flex your scrawny
muscles together and
discover your combined
strength. There is an axiom
that" the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts."
Go on the internet; find
out what's happening.
Silver threads among the
gold, baby, and power
to that 'silver.'

      Top of the Page.

A Doe

A doe tiptoes
through sylvan glades
like a banished
harlot, timid,
unsure of her
place among the
chosen few.
A line of for-get-me-nots
takes root in
richly nourished
She ascends a star
bright trail as a jewel
in the brooding night
sky, tears sparkle,
refracting lunar light,
pale and pure.
A melodic twang
defines reality.
Discordant notes
shatter the night.
So beautiful!

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There Was A Time

A dazzling , breath-taking
nubian princess exuding
warmth and good humor,
delightfully packaged,
causes a twinge of regret
in another wise resigned
silver haired warrior of
loves labors won and lost.
Against my will,
my rebellious thoughts
yearn for one more
skirmish with youth
in bloom. The heart
knows it can't be
and even if it were
possible, my heart
belongs to another,
whose prescence puts
these intriguing feelings
to rest. Still, There
was a time, Oh yes,
There was a time !

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(Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved by Bob Papcsy - No reproduction without express permission from the author

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Letter to the Author: Bob Papcsy