Seeker Magazine

Redefining From The Grass Roots

by Jackie Woods

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Our country was founded on the definition of freedom and independence -- freedom from a fixed social ladder and the privilege to define independently from England. The two heart energies of freedom and independence made us a great country.

Where are we now as a country? Are we free from clearly defined groups? Do we, as individuals, recognize our rights to be and have as much as anyone else? Or have we, as a country, lost the power of freedom and independence through the generations? Have we also lost the courage and adventure that supported our forefathers in carrying the banners of freedom and independence?

It appears to me that perhaps we have redefined for comfort and conformity rather than freedom and independence. Our courage has grown weak and no longer confronts our fears. When physical space ran out, so did our adventure. We have grown up as a country and need to redefine. Fortunately, the grass roots can still have a vote at the top. That puts the responsibility on you, as the grass roots, to redefine such heart qualities as freedom, independence, courage and adventure in your personal lives.


What should the heart quality of freedom look like in this day and age? As I said, we have grown as a country in time and consciousness. Freedom can no longer be defined as settling wild country. It must now be defined to fit the new consciousness of oneness. Therefore freedom will have to have a definition that will serve the good of the whole.

Since you cannot see beyond your personal vision, it will be necessary for you to start there. You must not only see freedom's application for your life, but also define how you are going to make it work. If enough people empower freedom in their personal lives, then it will work its way to the top and laws will be passed supporting freedom.

How can freedom express in your daily life in ways that will support freedom for all? What could you do daily to support women's rights, for example? Remember, we are one world. What happens on one side of the globe affects people on the other side. That would mean that women in Afghanistan would be less repressed if enough people claimed new pieces of freedom for women. The same is true for you as an individual. Everything others think, feel and do has an impact on you. Whether you like it or not, it's true.

In order for you to bring the definition of freedom to a personal level, ask yourself, "Am I willing to let a heart energy that has the power to take me above all outgrown definitions be a part of my life?" The answer to that question is easy to understand but a bit more difficult to practice. Simply put, you have to make sure there are no outgrown, fixed, or rigid definitions in your life. Not for you or for anyone else. It means you will see people as capable of soaring beyond limitations. You will treat each new situation as an adventure, knowing that it is about movement to a bigger place of freedom. The physical and emotional comforts of the known will have to be replaced with celebration of the freedom that lies ahead.

As you can see, freedom is never something you can sit on. It moves you beyond the presently known, not to the unknown, but to the "un-remembered." Freedom supports you in discovering all the real parts of yourselves that have been there all along, but have not been used. However, you can't be completely free unless you support freedom for the whole. If you truly know you are a person of movement beyond what is presently known, then you will also know everyone deserves that right. You will fight for that right in all places and at all times.


Adolescents believe that independence is not having an authority figure tell them what to do. Unfortunately, many adults hang on to that belief and continue to fight against everyone and everything. Independence is not about separation, but about finding your place as part of the whole. It is a place where there is no 'against' energy.

You would think that being your real self would be a "piece of cake." However, there is the nasty little ego that spoils everything. The voice of the ego will tell you that anything that does not serve you directly, is against you. But to be truly independent, you have to recognize that your heart is part of all hearts. For you cannot create against someone—you must create with them to be powerful. To be independent you must claim your power. All of those truths lead to the bottom line-independence is the state of powerfully creating for yourself as part of a whole.

Yes, it is true that you are responsible for the well being of each of your three bodies—the physical body, the mental body, and the emotional body. However, their needs will never have to be defined against the good of the whole. When the heart is in charge, it doesn't leave out the needs of your other three bodies nor anybody else's needs. You are part of the whole.

In fact, your health supports health on the whole planet. When you are healthy emotionally and mentally, you are adding healthy energy forms to the mass consciousness, rather than clutter. When you are physically healthy, you are anchoring strength all the way to the core of the earth. It is just that the ego and the heart define health differently. The ego says you are emotionally healthy if you get your way. It tells you that mental health is about knowing the answers. Last but certainly not least, the ego informs you daily that you are not physically powerful enough to conquer anything. It tells you that you are a victim of every ache and pain, a victim of beliefs and a victim of fears (yours and theirs).

It takes a great deal of courage to have real independence in an ego world. Heart independence is no longer supported as fully as the ego independence. Even in basic things like friendship, we either fit into their definition, or expect them to adapt to ours. Both those stances are against. A relationship is where two hearts define together. A community is where several people define for the good of the whole. The ego says it has to serve "ME" -- it has to make me comfortable and give me what I want! It takes courage to do it differently.

Courage supports independence by fighting the ego. With the ego out of the way the heart is able to claim its space as a part of the whole. Once independence is claimed, then we can have freedom move us to our full potential. When enough people claim independence and freedom, our country can grow into full maturity in these two original pieces. Freedom and independence are definitely in our gene pool. We just need to support them as they grow up.

(Copyright 2002 by Jackie Woods - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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