Welcome to the Gryphon's Nest!

The gryphon lined it's nest with such
As none will see again
But treasured most the deepfelt words
Sung from the hearts of men

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Come, My Friend!
Come, my friend!
   Wait not till the end
      The truth awaits you here.
Travel inside
   Wherein the truth hides
      Grasp, what lies so near.

In awareness take flight
   Beyond the dark night,
      A glorious dawn shall rise.
Stay still, make will,
   Let desires be chilled
      A new knowledge shall make you wise.

Run not, become not,
   Just be, be free.
Take not, ask not
   Fly away with Me.

I am the bird of imagination
   The very source of your creations;
You are Me, I am you,
   We are one, but you think us two!

In you is the sky,
   The millions of star
Yet you scarcely know
   Just what you are.

Come and feel your essence within,
   Its ring continues to remind.
Act pure, pursue not pebbles again,
   Seek Me, and Me shall you find.

by: Bhupinder Singh,
    Waterloo, Ontario
"Let your visions be high, for only
lofty visions can be seen night and
day above the ocean of man's thoughts"
**This work is copyrighted by Bhupinder Singh
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

A loving angel came to me in dreams.
She showed me life's not always what it seems
And brought me to a place where sweet dreams live.
She gave to me a gift that I now give . . .
          A dreamer's dream.

She whispered, "Take my hand and I will lead you through
A place where only sweet dreams can come true.
Close your eyes and open up your heart,
For then this flight of dreams so sweet can start.
          Dream, Dreamer, Dream."

She brought me through the darkness to the Light
Where colors wrapped around me, such delight,
A patchwork quilt of beauty without seams
Each color was a rainbow full of dreams,
          Dreamer's dreams.

She led me through a hallway of pure sound
With doors flung open widely all around.
And from each room a song would gently play,
I wished with all my heart that I could stay
          In this dreamer's dream.

But we drifted in the fragrance of the breeze
To savor all the flowers and the trees.
We tasted all of life that we could see
And felt it flow as one in harmony . . .
          We dreamed this dreamer's dream.

Then my angel turned her eyes to me and said,
"You are the Keeper of these Dreams inside your head.
Find sweet dreamers who would dream of Love and Light,
These dreams will lead them safely through the night.
          Help these dreamers dream."

And so I am the Keeper of this Dream, it's true,
But I offer all my dreams to each of you.
May their loving sweetness visit you each night
And fill your soul with Love and Warmth and Light.
          Dream, Dreamers, Dream!

**This work is copyrighted 1995 by Robert Alan \ People For Peace.
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**

 Tense the little muscles that
 pour over shedding locks of
 undisturbed hair and
 pure and bright are the
 vast energies that rise
 to a setting sun
 at days start,
 at days end.

 Burnt magenta
 drawn like lips in silence.
 Wilderness, desert, depth,
 a whole canvas of world shed to
 an eternity and coined
 to a calendar finishing month.

 And cold,
 cold the sharp porcelain of Winter
 bluff and crags of

 before Springs' navel rings to count its
 rinse of tears on stone and
 marauding ephesias twitch indolence in the
 eyes of  sudden..Life

 fierce your almost
 tangible bliss of
 softly spoken words.

**This work is copyrighted by David Hunter Sutherland
Reproduction is prohibited without express permission of the author**
Recursive Angel: http://www.calldei.com/~recangel

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples <SkyEarth1@aol.com>