By M. Brandon DeGeorge


Let's for one moment ponder something completely deep. Go outside, preferable on a nice day, with no rain, or other forms of nasty precipitation. Find some loose earth, sand, etc., and pick up a small rock. Examine it, take in all it's little nuances, try to discern from the evidence you gather where it came from, where's it going? What is it's purpose in being in your back yard? What is it's humble place in the great scheme of things? Confused? Not sure of the answers? I can tell you......


That's of the greatest lessons that we can learn as we make our transcendental way is that sometimes the face value of something is all that's it's worth. Sometimes a rock is just that, a rock. Not everything you do has to have ultra-significant interstellar consequences. Not every rock you touch has to be that mystic power crystal that leads you to some extraordinary destiny.


In order for the universe to keep itself happy, squeaky wheels need to be oiled. Things must have a balance that both compliments itself and cancels itself out. There must be light and dark, there must be good and evil, there must be male and female, and, there must be special and ordinary.

If a rock has no purpose but to take up that little space in the dirt in your backyard, then, that's fine. Not everything in the universe has to be the important key. On the other hand, think about if there were no rocks. The concrete that makes up the foundation of your house would have alot of trouble keeping your ton of stuff (especially the shoes) from sinking into the ground. But, that aside, all rocks in your foundation are rocks helping to give you a home to live in. That's not really deep, intellectually speaking, but it is important in the big scheme of things.


It took me alot to realize this little tidbit of information. It was at a time when I thought I was really doubting my spirituality, but the real truth was that I was alienating myself from the mundane. It was like I was on top of some self-righteous spiritual cloud, and I was blind to the real truth. I'm sure some of y'all are familiar with this. We get so wound up because we're seeing what we want to see, and not what really is. Hopefully I won't do that anymore. I've learned a good lesson, and hopefully y'all will too.....just remember: Not everything is special, but everything is significant.

Siwrnai dda

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