Leaf art work from the 'Leaves of Finlandie...' collection© Susan Kramer 1998

'...a graceful image of Mother Nature'

Supplication, Meditation, Appreciation, Application

hand in hand
Energy uplifted by appreciation
to carry out a useful plan
communication back andforth
with our Source

1) Supplication--asking for guidance by using ourown words or set prayers;

2) Meditation--being still in body, which is conduciveto the settling of the turbulent waters of issues in the mind--confusionfalling away so that the voice of our conscience can be heard;

3) Appreciation--caring, thankful, and loving thoughts,which in turn energize our body;

4) Application--putting the inner guidance of ourconscience into action.

Directives from conscience--
Perceived through peaceful thoughts
feelings of contentment
and an energized body
Directives from conscience--
Always for the best

Sometimes we layer our mind with excuses for not acting on the directiveof our conscience. These layers of mental defense fog our mind to whatis best for us, blocking out the best outcome.


Supplication is asking for our prayer to be answered. The set prayersfrom religious traditions can set us in the frame of mind that somethingoutside our ordinary daily thinking and experience can intercede in ourlives.

The something uplifting our dailyexperience
becomes known to us
in the aspect of our 'Higher Self'or God...

We can ask for events to turn a certain way when we want a specificoutcome, or we can ask for the best (though perhaps unknown to us in themoment) outcome to happen in our lives or in others' lives in general.Both ways we are intentionally putting forth our energy.

This is an example of a prayer asking for the 'best' outcome:

Clear Mind Prayer...

Whether or not we use a set group of words in our supplication, we needto spend the moments following our supplication for meditation and reflection.Deep meditation and reflection--our quiet time--allow the answers for usto put into action to our specific requests to filter into our waking mind.

Meditation and Reflection

Meditation is the medication for healing ignorance of our eternal Self.We know about our sensory organs; we know about our emotions; we know aboutour thinking mind; but until we still our body, emotions, and thinkingmind, we do not have conscious contact with our Self--which is part ofthe main eternal core of Self. The joyful effects experienced from theinner stillness of meditation eventually flow outwardly into daily life.Joy invigorates us with plenty of lively energy for caring and sharing;in joy we feel happy and fulfilled.

The medication healing ignorance
of our permanent nature of joy…

Going within--reflecting--brings forth clarified reality. When we perceivepast and ongoing events clearly, we see where we are heading. Living eachmoment with caringness and in our highest consciousness of good allowshappiness in our present and future.

Refining perception
Perceptions refined by reflection…
Quiet time--clarified mind

We aid ourselves in fulfilling our human potential by maintaining andnurturing a stable secure base. When we are out of balance the resultsof our actions are also. To produce results for the highest good we needto consistently live from our highest consciousness. By living a balanceof work, play, and contemplation we stay centered.

Work--for income
Contemplation--for guidance andinspiration
Play--for enjoyment
The winning combination
Allowing personal harmony
In everyday living…


Appreciation uplifts both the giver and receiver…

A smile is an appreciation
A gentle touch or hug conveys lovingappreciation
Encouraging words appreciate aperson's potential
Givingness shows we care
Appreciation goes forth throughour thoughts, words, actions
And returns the same instant asuplifted energy in our mind-body
Consciousness awakening
Consciousness of love awakening

No matter what our age, we are students of life till we learn how toappreciate and preserve harmony in our life. To maintain control in ourlives we must harmonize for the best resolve in each situation, regardlessof temptation for personal gratification. We become masters of our destinywhen we consistently act on what is best for all concerned.

Mastering our destiny
Able to enjoy on-going contentment
by living in accord with the highestgood
of which we are aware--
Selfishness surrendered
Consciousness expanded

The teachings of yoga, combined with appreciation for life, providetime-honored cleansing methods, spiritual practices, and guides to virtuousliving, removing our layers of self-deception. Some are: bodily purification--cleandiet and hatha yoga postures; positive attitudes; productive work; prayer--(supplication,meditation, appreciation, application); substituting better for bad habits;living for the best resolve in each moment.

Our eternal Self is experienced by diving deeply through the narrowgateway into our own Heart. The permanent joy that is the hallmark of ourpermanent Self comes into reality for us when we sit very still--immobile--whileemanating lovingness for our Creator, creation, loved ones, everyone.

People know we love them
by the caringness
by the appreciation we show them

Our foremost goal is to develop the quality of lovingness--which weachieve through nurturing and caring actions. The choice for acting onlove faces us repeatedly till we become conscious that we are actuallybeings of love. By applying the attitude of caringness, we come to experienceharmony and contentment fully in our life.

Conscientious action
allows consciousness to developstep by step
by taking the invisible but sureway we know is right
for each and every moment
Conscientious action steeped incaring love
and appreciation for life--
the invisible but sure way to consciousnessof expansive joy
in each and every moment...

Past layers fogging perception
Burned off by purification
Light of Self shining through
Confronting life

Applying the Gift of Ourselves

And lastly, when we add the gift of ourselves in the application ofour prayer life, we bring much happiness to ourselves. Also, the gift ofourselves does not expect a return. With this attitude we allow our caringheart to open and hold gifts beyond measure: contentment, peacefulnessand lovingness--received right in the moment we are being caring. It ispractical to be caring and giving--we are not wasting time thinking aboutwhat someone owes us. There is no downside after giving when we do notexpect a return; we retain our natural harmony and peace. Giving freelywhen the opportunity arises allows energy to flow easily through our actions.And then, when we experience a true need, our harmonious pattern of livingwill draw just what we need to us, from within us--this happens becausewhen we are feeling relaxed, logical thoughts come up in our mind to bestresolve the situation.

Spending time in prayer--
supplication, meditation,appreciation, application
Plus the gift of ourselves
through caring and sharing
Awakens gifts within ourselves--
abiding peacefulness andlovingness…

Article and Leaf Art © SusanKramer 1998
