Seeker Magazine


A friend I am
when coming to another's place of unrest
to dissipate unsettledness
with warmth of caringness
A friend I am
when listening openly, non-judgmentally
when judgment would be easy
A friend I am
when taking extra time
to lend a helping hand, though busy
A friend I am
when feeling your need
I act for you
as I would act for myself



As in the word, a friend is like a ship that carries us, abides with us unfailingly, through the calm and rough seas of life.

There is no purer relationship than friendship. It is unconditional loyalty and love. Friendship is a bond of steadfastness and acceptance that allows us to be who we are, fully, without fear that love will be withdrawn.

Over a lifetime, it is the bond of friendship that allows us to explore our depths with non-judgmental feedback and supportiveness.

Individuals of flesh, mind, emotion, consciousness
aware that as with vines
we, too, lead lives intertwined
Intertwined in actions
of compassion, caring, support
sharing our time, for all time
as friends…

Sometimes, the friendship we give is not returned--but we benefit in another way: The process of extending friendship expands our consciousness. While giving and in the afterglow, we feel a sense of connectedness.

Once we experience the connectedness we feel while giving caringly, we know that it is not just what we receive in life that makes us happy. It is mainly the connectedness that we feel when our own boundaries of self-centeredness break down through our lovingness, that we feel our internal sense of peace and happiness.

Above all else in this world is friendship
Unconditionally given
Unconditionally received--
And with the addition of love
Life is made beautiful
Above all else in this world
Is loving friendship--
Unconditionally given
Unconditionally received--
That is true friendship


Loving Moment to Moment

Life on earth is a progression of moments--a progression of remembering who we are and for remembering that our mission is to love fully in each moment. Acting for the best interest of our friends is a way to love fully in many moments of our lives.

Lasting happiness, moment to moment, becomes our experience as we feel and express ourselves lovingly.

There is an incredible depth of experience in being fully aware in a single moment. Example: Traveling along by train, when we glance straight out the window we see blurred images--the train is moving too quickly for us to focus on one object. But as the train slows down and stops we can see a scene in depth--a field, farmhouse, trees off on the distant horizon. The stillness of the stopped train allows us to focus in the depth that was not possible while the train was rapidly moving along.

In our life we can enjoy depth of view by focusing well on each of our activities. When we focus on each of our activities during the day, we get a lot done, feeling satisfied. Personal organization--daily planning--allows us the freedom of mind to be focused in the moment. Planning allows us to accomplish the most in the least amount of time. We also are freeing up time and energy spent in thinking about what we need to do next.

As the day progresses and we perform our tasks and interactions with caringness and lovingness, we are fulfilling our mission--we are becoming the depth of love possible in each moment.

In the moment, at this moment, caring with our friends is a way to fully express life's excellence.


Our Greatest Friend…

ordains, maintains in this domain?
The Planner
who set the stars a-light
placing their planets in perfect flight
The Creator
of flowers; delicate, bright
which lift our spirits to thankful heights
The Force
which gathers up the winds
to clear the clouds; blue skies again
The Nurturer
who made water flow
causing seeds and sprouts to grow
The Loving Heart
where souls are born
to come to know we are adorned
with grace 'n harmony to share
the bliss and joy of love 'n care


Article ã1999 Susan Kramer
Artwork from the 'Leaves of Finlandie...' collection ã 1999 Susan Kramer
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