Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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God Instructed the Human

God instructed the Child,
Don't extinguish the sun.
That was Monday.

God asked the Woman,
Don't stop the planet from spinning...or the spinning of your mind.

That was Tuesday.

Would the rivers run in uniform lines?
Would the forests flourish in perfect rows?
Would you control the precise ebb,
The disappearing spool and thread of the tides?

Wednesday. That was Wednesday.

God instructed the Man,
Would you parcel out the moonlight?
One of your eyebrows is higher than the other.

The greatest beauty of your days
Doesn't always arise from your strenuous effort.

One of your legs is slightly shorter than the other.

That was Thursday.

...And the immediacy of your heart has no pre-measured giving.

Instead of trying to control the universe,
Focus on the essential.

Friday. That was Friday.

Would you have the snowflakes be identical?
And flash floods. Would they be considered an act of treason?

If you created this world, said God,
No tornadoes would be allowed.
Volcanoes mustn't rage.

The pounding rain would never fall abruptly.
Winds would be prohibited from howling.

So much for Saturday.

God asked the Human,
Who said the universe would conform
To the enormity of your tiny expectations?
Where is it written that you could order the universe
Better than the universe itself?

Want beauty?
It isn't by force of your design.

Sometimes, perfection is like the coral's undersea landscapes,
Spun of fairy dust and the mortar of God's sweat...

Sunday. Let us praise all unpretentious Sundays.
Sometimes, what is most lasting is not what you treasure most...
Sometimes, perfection will spin out
like the dazzling heads of sunflowers

and nod to your soul

There is no answer to the mystery of Creation
Give praise and thanks and honor your place

while you are here

Love Letter from Infinity

Were you to beseech laughter from angels, To behold a universe through God's ancient eye, To recognize undercurrent rivers flowing in each electric atom, You still would not fully understand. You're going to ask me how your actions affect those Beings you will never meet, greet or know about And I will reply that they do – You're going to ask me how your actions ripple In a pond of consciousness, to touch shores You will never see, sail to, or set upon And I will reply that they can – You're going to ask me how your actions Are like cascading flowers released like butterflies to the heavens Each with a tiny parachute of love to embrace a stranger along the way And I will reply, that your deepest being is nourished By the nectar of kindness and beauty – You're going to ask how it is that, without air, food, or water Every facet of your being exists in immortality, Where it continues to blossom in all the goodness of your soul And my eyes will simply well with tears of light Spilling out into a darkness waiting for seeds of understanding – It is sublime and just as well That we cannot see how wondrous are your simple works It is fitting and appropriate that we cannot grasp The mightiest of labors which breathe into the core of life itself, Into the hallowed sanctum of every atom – Lord God and Goddess, Keepers of Realms beyond my frail and pitiful actions, Thank you for making this Creation its ultimate mystery Where my art may spill like honey from a chalice Which can never be emptied For like consciousness itself, You sustain the essential riddle of existence All embracing, all blossoming, all radiant, Beyond the dualities of expression, to enlighten every wayward soul

Embrace the World
Embrace the world How can there be any separation From all that you see — How can you hold yourself distant From the vision of your embrace? Did you receive a notice in the mail That all the poverty, the malaise of the human spirit, Is somehow kept from your sheets, Your forms, your triplicate ghosts Which insulate you from monstrous suffering? In your bed, in that collective unconscious of your many fleeting lovers, There's a larger body more devouring Than any who might swallow you whole, Who will eat you out of your precious shell To remind you that the perilous veil of difference Between heaven and damnation Is the hell through which you keep yourself alone. We sleep with you. We walk the streets Desolate, ragged, begging, bleeding, And before you clean us up and send us home to Mother, First awaken to the illusion that those tumbled from grace, those who are refugees from kindness those who have fallen prey to miseries and misfortunes those who you insist are not of your human family Are not your concern. Oh....Really?

Embrace the world.

In its darkness, The tiniest light which ekes through chains of shining armor Which you wear in tattered spiritual rags of self-importance Link you now: To every beggar and king, To every priest and prostitute, To every politician and saint Until, blinded by the multifold millions of God's changing faces You are born anew in kindness

To love the world as yourself.

(Copyright 2000 by Avant Soul - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
Letter to the Author: Avant Soul at

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