Seeker Magazine

Creating from Clarity and Peace

by Susan Kramer

Inspiring outer symbols come forth naturally when we create from a space of clarity and peace.

This is also a completely natural process for solving everyday problems in the workplace, and in relationships with family and friends.

When we produce a concise and informative report at work, or write a lesson plan that really works, or even make a list that organizes our shopping trip, we are instilling clarity in practical living.

What turns out as informative and clear on the daily practical level, has its roots in harmony within. To develop harmony and clarity in our outer creations, requires peacefulness and stillness in our mind.

Some aids in conjoining inner and outer harmony:

1. Taking time for viewing uplifting symbols and allowing their effects to still us for the moment;

2. Reflecting on the possibilities that come to mind for solving problems or creating that needed report, lesson plan, or shopping list;

3. Maintaining a clean and organized living and workspace;

4. Keeping our personal body and space clean;

5. Adopting positive attitudes, and when faced with conflict relaxing into the peace of the moment so the best solution can most easily surface to our waking mind, and then acting on it;

6. Moderation. Taking adequate time to eat wholesome foods regularly, avoiding harmful substances; taking time to exercise, even if this is just walking part way to work, school, or shopping; allowing enough time to rest including a period in meditation or reflection, even if when lying down and upon first awakening;

7. Putting kindness into action all through the day both with self and others¾ taking care of our needs is being kind to ourselves.

8. And being kind to our environment of home and the great outdoors by recycling when ever possible and using the minimum of new natural resources;

9. Being non-judgmental, so that we, also, will not be judged;

10. Being appreciative to others for their kindness to us, and to our Divine Source for putting inspirations in our mind and hearts that allow us to love fully and unconditionally.

Outer symbols, inner sights
Creations without
From the Creative Source within
Giving expansion and richness
To our daily pattern of living
Allowing the purpose of living to shine forth
Knowledge of our link to divinity
Knowledge of our self in Self

ã 2001 Susan Kramer
Artwork from the 'Leaves of Finlandie...' collection ã 1997-2001 Susan Kramer
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