Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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April 2002

Tired of the Insanity?

Are you tired yet of the insanity of the world? I am.

Does it feel like the annihilation of millions of people through sheer arrogant stupidity has moved closer? I believe I read that the hands of the doomsday clock had been set a little closer to midnight after America's President's State of the Union address and the ratcheting up of the Middle East no-holds-barred "conflict." Never heard of the doomsday clock? Guess you're under a certain age.

Thirty years of progress in cleaning up the degradation of the environment in the United States, and it takes only one man – the President – to turn it into full-bore retreat. Ah, the power. And the arrogant stupidity. And the incredible demand for personal energy and monetary energy to fight the man's actions and those of his henchmen and women.

Feel like crawling under the covers with a good escapist book? Feel like putting on blinders so that you focus only on the tunnel directly ahead of you? Feel like there is only so much cruddy news that you can bear? Feel like even the calls for prayers and focus on peaceful actions are too little, too late?

Well, the hope is in this reality: the earth still spins, the seasons turn, there are still patches of earth to treasure and love, there are still people to treasure and love. As long as the ultimate destruction has not occurred, there is still hope, and we can dwell in it and work with it and live with soul-full-ness.

With love for this great planet, celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2002, wherever you are.


Visit Earth Day and The Wilderness Society for more activities and information about Earth Day - April 22.

One super sunset cloud just before getting home from work
Photo and writing copyright 2002 by Cherie Staples.

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