Seeker Magazine

Extraterrestrials. Personal Growth. Free Energy.

by Max Zbitnoff

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Extraterrestrials, personal growth, free energy. What do they have in common? If it is true that extraterrestrials have been and are visiting this planet for some time, why is the subject still open to debate and ridicule? Being more of an intuiter than an assembler of facts, my sense is, " we ain't ready."

We ain't ready, but we're closer than we think. We are a warring populous, in love with fear or fearing love. When 9/11 came around I was shocked, but shortly realized that four thousand more deaths in one day was only a small blip on earth's overall unpleasant death stats. We already had disease, starvation, war, drugs, alienation, murder, suicide and a toxic environment doing their job at a pretty good clip. As if oblivious to all that, our president takes off like some modern day Don Quixote on a quest to rid the world of terror.

What was he supposed to do then? Nothing. That would have worked for me, but then I'm not president. If we had some celestial parents, they might have said, "Okay, I want everyone to go to their room and don't come out until you're ready to behave yourself."

What does this have to do with extraterrestrials, ETs? Some people want to believe that they are our parents or at least surrogate parents here to take care of us or even abuse us. However, I like to think of them as friends and relatives, who are, for the most part, saying, "When you guys stop taking yourselves so seriously and beating yourselves up, we'd like to come visit and have some fun."

We are so obsessed about what has been that we can hardly imagine anything but a world at war, interspersed with periods of peace, and a game plan of accumulating more than we need, because there is never going to be enough.

Our new age prophets say the curtain on that show is lifting. Does that mean the ETs are going to land and a) teach us how to live in peace, b) give us all the technology we need to solve our planetary issues, or c) scoop up those who are ready and take them to a new world while this one crumbles?

I believe something better than any of that is happening. People are getting a sense of who we are: one people, one planet, one consciousness. They are realizing that the rosy future is right now. That if they can't find fulfillment in the world we've created, they won't find it somewhere else in some advanced state of consciousness or technology.

It is a subtle thing to perceive. Like our global warming trends, there is a heart warming trend going on with humanity. Joy is breaking out, but it is only perceivable if you believe it. The spirit we are--sometimes imagined as a spark inside our bodies--is unbinding itself and connecting to its analog in others where it is just as validly expressed. Rather than being in body, our body is being in spirit.

But what about those ETs? That's what they are waiting for: the expanded or awakened version of us. I don't think they have been just waiting. They have met us in dreams and imagination. For decades we have been getting the idea that we are not alone. From our sci fi writers in the 40s and 50s, to "Star Trek", "Star Wars", "ET", and "Men in Black" to name a few manifestations. Orson Wells' "The War of the Worlds" in the 30s freaked out many. "ET" in the 80s grabbed people's hearts. What a change in perception! "Men in Black" has made it all into a joke. Maybe the warm-up act is almost over. We have books, radio, and TV shows about ETs. Who hasn't seen the image of those almond-eyed zetas? Channeled books, tapes, and events have become a new industry, with many of the entities claiming to be ETs. Not to mention all the sightings, real or imagined, close encounters and abduction stories.

Who are these ETs? We have a discussion of different races and places along with intentions and dimensions. For me, the answer simplifies when I think of them as an aspect of us. As we grow in awareness and perception of who we are, it seems to inevitably lead to a sense of one-ness. Oneness with humanity, oneness with the universe. The ETs are simply another expression of exactly what we are. For reasons known only to ourselves and which are being revealed, we are for the most part not perceiving them directly or perhaps just not able to accept and assimilate the fact that we do. Though for some of us, personal sightings and contact are quite real.

It's a collision course of personal, planetary, and spiritual awareness coming together with galactic and other dimensional awareness: an inevitable blending. As we grow and re-conceive who we are, we will automatically perceive things that have been right in front of us but out of sight, including those ETs. Technology through the internet is putting us face to face with our interconnectedness. No more denial that we are a people and a planet. I confess, it cheers me up to hear of hackers invading our defense departments. It is a reminder that they--the bureaucrats--can't defend us. Our attempts at airport security only confirm that it is a system that can be beat. We are learning that we are completely vulnerable and that it is okay. We don't need defense departments and ultra security. Okay, I didn't say to disband the military tomorrow. I wouldn't mind it, but they too have been a valid part of the planetary play. Can we live, trusting that we will be supported rather than harmed by who or what shows up in our environment?

Someone out to demonstrate that we can is Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project--a call for open congressional hearing in the US on the subject of ETs. He says there are parts of our government and private industry that have back-engineered ET advanced propulsion systems that hold the key to a world where energy is freely available to all. Free energy, zero point energy, and anti-gravity systems have been hanging out on the fringes for years-politely accepting a de facto untouchable status complete with stories of mysterious accidents and lost interest. Greer says that time is over. If this stuff is real and if we are able to share and distribute this technology, the ramification would be a completely different society in which poverty and lack would not be required. These are big "ifs". Very compartmentalized--read fearful, secretive and disconnected--groups have this information and are developing it while holding the belief that it is a dangerous world. So dangerous that they must do their part while the rest of the world languishes uninformed for "our own good." After all we might panic. Or misuse it-so goes the logic. And so goes the story.

I prefer to see that as nothing less than a reflection of our mass consciousness, and it's changing. Can we live with 80% of the world in poverty if there is an alternative? The global heart warming is having an effect. It seems in Greer's estimate, in the ten years he's been working on this, the fear of letting the public know is waning among those who are party to these black projects. They too want to come in from the cold. Meanwhile, Greer himself models a tremendous amount of chutzpah in making his case openly before the people. He is not allowing himself to be bought out, as he says others before him have been-Carl Sagan for one. Mockery and ridicule washes right on by. We still have this social tendency to ridicule that which we don't know. The politicians aren't going to touch his idea until they know they are not hanging out for flying rotten tomatoes. He even said he had a relative who is managing editor of prominent daily paper who wouldn't touch a story on ETs even if a body of one was on a table in front of her. Why? Those stories are for the "National Enquirer". What would her peers, who work at equally prestigious papers, say? Even admitting such a thing tells me the ice is melting. Who knows, before long she might be on Oprah confessing it to the world.

Between the internet, Oprah, and our own inner knowing, we are hearing and sharing a much bigger picture than we dared admit and imploding ourselves into a world where we can't deny our truths. We are seeing that the best defense system in the world is no better than the emperor's new clothes. Naked to our essential core doesn't sound too bad to me-didn't know we looked so good. In this atmosphere we are going to see our ET friends and neighbors who have been here all along. And we are going to allow new forms of energy to show up. Can't help it. After all, we are the ones creating them. and all this drama and story with it.

See Disclosure Project to find out what's up with the Disclosure Project. Lyssa Royal Royal Priest has contributed much to our awareness that ET contact is related to our inner growth.

(Copyright 2002 by Max Zbitnoff - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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