Seeker Magazine

David Michael Jackson

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I was born in Clarksville, Tennessee and reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I am the publisher and editor of ArtPage Images and the webmaster of I am an engineer, artist, poet, songwriter and musician. My art is in several locations on the internet. It has been used by Verse Libre to illustrate poetry. My style of abstraction is best described as shapism. My abstractions are almost representational. I believe that the abstract shape is the ultimate form of representational art because it is 'the thing itself,' the ultimate realism."

My approach to poetry isn't really an approach. I just write them. Sometimes I delete words, but rarely add words. I don't know what I'm going to say before I say it. I never set out to write a poem on a pre-selected subject. I sometimes end up crying because I dug deeply. I never set out to dig that deeply into myself, but sometimes do. It all comes from not having a subject going into the poem. I really think this is common to many modern poets. We end up with some words, and, we didn't set out to write those words. Those words reveal who we are but quite unintentionally. A poet simply puts the cup under the faucet and turns the knob. I can write a poem anytime I want to. The trick is to want to. Sometimes I rhyme accidentally and realize it later. Mostly I just throw something down as a first line and see where it leads. I don't plan endings but know when they occur. It's the ending of short poems that grabs me.

Waiting | Stalker | So I Guess |
Bottles in the Sea | Summer Breeze | The Fire


not just waiting
waiting for the gold, yes baby the gold
we are gonna rob the train and get
the gold
mamma baby there's no end to it
we are a gonna be rich rich rich
rob the train and get the gold
oh boy
I can hear them a talkin' right now
"That boy never amounted to
nuthin, just some trailer trash
who woulda thought he'd rob the train. Boy I wish I had that
yessirreee all the way to the bank baby
and when the sunrise
makes the desert warm
and the flowers open
we'll be there

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There is indeed a stalker in my dream
     He waits among the broccoli sprouts
     Waiting for me to pass as an ant today
     Today I shall be the smallest ant in the field
     I shall carry the pieces of leaves toward
     I shall ride in your collar and wonder at your
     I shall wonder at the cashier, the driver, the toll
     gate worker, so many strangers
     You'd think I'd have seen them all by now
     So many like me
     Engineer with prints, artist with canvas, musician with violin of very
     old wood,
     So many to the slaughter, so many like me
     Walt's wagoneer is now the semi-trailer driver
     The same staunch strength, he has not changed
     So many like me
     The press operator stamps parts with earplugs in place
     His grandfather the blacksmith is in his hands, in his feet
     They are the same among so many
     This farmer's son has wide feet for the plowed earth,
     Sits in his cubicle without the need for wide feet
     Writes poems he does, this ant in your collar
     Shreds leaves
     Builds pyramids

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So I Guess

She asks me to write a poem so,
I guess,
I will,
so, I guess the world might somehow still be here
tomorrow, and
I will still be considered an idiot,
so, I guess that qualifies me,
so, I guess, I will put the commas in,
I could see you again

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Bottles in the Sea


oh one who passes messages by bottles in the sea!
   can you see me
   can you hear me

   oh one who passes dreams across the winds!
   can you see me
   can you hear me

   maybe yes in the morning and no in the
   afternoon and maybe tonight we will
   ride the wind~~~

     these are bottles in the sea
     sealed by small hands of children
     too young or too old to
     struggle with answers
     or questions

     may we all still be young enough
     to roll our message
     into the bottle
     may we
     all be careful with the sealing
     may we
     have enough faith
     to throw it
     with all our might

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Summer Breeze

I love the summer breeze
the much needed
summer breeze
the passenger creek in the broken warm red greens
summer breeze
the soft winter calls and waits for spring,
summer breeze
I have been advised
it is eminent
so be advised
you silent springs
you almost quiet mornings
you songs of the hopi
summer music
the long grey shadows only
highlight the obvious

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The Fire

The fire is not out
It burns like fire, like pain, like, you know, pain
Water waiter, water for my fire, water, sweet clear cool water
Words won't do. Words or work won't do
The sword sinks deep, yes, deeply into the underbelly, into the abyss
And the words find no favor
eat the peach, man, eat the peach, yes, dare, next time, next time, next time
Is there time left?
time between growing up and growing old
time between the river and the sea
Eat the peach, man
eat the peach
It is good
it is sweet

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(Printed with permission; Copyright 2002 - All Rights Reserved by David Michael Jackson - No reproduction without express permission from the author)
You're invited to visit David's website at Artvilla

and an archive of his poetry at Moongate

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Letter to the Author:
David Michael Jackson at