Seeker Magazine
Seditious Libel
by Yosh
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Seditious Libel
I'm getting armed.
education to drop silence
on my sweet surrender
to the law
either way, things must be done
and done there's always more.
violently overthrow your self
and stop telling your self today's lies
you will definitely create a new mess
yet you still have to clean up the house
I learned the other day
that I was so worried about copyrighting everything
that I forgot all about the First Amendment
and what it means to me
I forgot about Schenck Gitlow and Brandenberg
I forgot about Whitney Tinker and Hazelwood
and the Pentagon Papers and Ginsberg
sometimes I spew radical bitterness an obvious detraction
for religions that I perceived have done wrong,
for politicians that I perceived have done wrong.
one could even say I have philosophical turrets
never holding back and just releasing what is on the tip
of my lip...
and once again I try
to violently overthrow myself
and remind the re to mind.
I started doing research.
checking in and checking up.
i found that thru a prophetic use of capitalism
we've created such an imbalance
that rascism isn't even the big -ism anymore...
we are poorists, age-ists, uneducatists, and economicsists.
we are constantly caught
between making as much money as we can
and giving away anything we can afford
we are republicans and democrats
(only a few votes apart)
american media slavery told me what to think last week,
and I listened to it intently wondering if there would be no end,
no beginning to the madness of the hook I am assembled with.
I want that quarter pounder with cheese for 99 cents,
and I want it now. Why do they advertise if they don't deliver?
I would never go into mcdonalds,
but right now, right here on this couch,
I testify to the amount of desire that last commercial made me feel.
I want to consume 'til my doom, and never run out of money.
violently overthrow your self.
and stop telling your self today's lies.
think capitalism sucks?
well too bad, cause it ain't going anywhere,
you gotta deal with it
cause it's America to stay.
and you wonder why I want more and more.
I grew up believing in the 1st
thought I could say how I felt
and no one could stop me.
I gave poetry to police officers
and there was nothing they could do.
(unless I advocated the violent overthrow
of the government.)
Violently overthrow your self
and stop believing your own lies.
I tried to stop believing my own lies
and started listening to the sounds
Birds Chirping, People Singing,
spiritual libel being preached.
I heard oral sex was illegal in 46 states.
I heard that the reason we were told
to eat from the 5 basic food groups,
had something to do with economics of depression,
and how U.S. farmers were going out of business.
I heard Phish and Dave Matthews, DMX and Tupac Shakur,
Jerry Garcia and Roger Waters, Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder.
I heard Shaq and Kobe, Jordan and Pippen
and something about how the "Big O" was the best player ever.
I heard, "I am the greatest fighter who ever lived" from Ali.
I heard, "I am totally crazy-like" from Tyson.
And then Art and Paul,
described the sound of silence.
so I sat.
and listened.
Copyright 2002 by Yosh (No reproduction without express permission from the author)
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Letter to the Author: Yosh at