Seeker Magazine

Cher L.

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My name is Cher, and I am proud to live in good Old New York. I'm the mother of two beautiful boys, and along with them, singing and writing are my passions.

Writing, for me, is the ultimate in an offering of expression in itself.
It has seen me through some very difficult times.
No matter what mask I may, or may not wear, for the outside world,
I am 'just me', between the lines.

The page, is my very own place, to sing my songs of Joy,
to cry the silent tears, to speak to God, or to myself, or to YOU.

Making Money was never my motivation for writing,
But I do have a goal ...

I have said from day one,
If something I write, touches, just one person,
if JUST ONE, reads and says "Hey, I feel like that too, I'm not alone,"
Then I have done my Job as a writer and a human being.

I have an endless need, to speak my heart in this manor.
At times ... it is consuming.
And no matter how much I write,
I never feel like I have said all I needed to say.
There will always be, that one soul out there that, perhaps, I "missed."

So, when I write, I write with honesty, and only about things that of which, I truly feel. I can be inspired by, Art, or a Song, Nature, Love, God, or even something a friend is going through. Whatever it is, if I truly feel it, chances are I will write about it.
I am not special. I am ... just like YOU.
We all feel joys and pains.
My goal as a writer is to continue to remind myself,
and my readers, That It's OK.
OK to feel, to cry, to hurt. And to rise above it all, and smile!
But, Its nice to know along the way, that we are not alone.

I'm extremely grateful to God, for his help in many of my writings, and I'm also grateful to my readers, who have been an amazing source of encouragement. I draw much emotion from them, and many times, THAT feeds my muse.

Between The Lines
Cher's theme

Drifting on endless drifts,
of emotional tide;
It seems with time, it only gets,
so so hard to hide.

Read me deep, read me slow,
Or quickly rummage through;
Think not where the prose will go,
Just feel it ... like I do.

Every secret deep within
The passions kept inside,
It's in the words, That's the place,
That I surrender pride.

Raped by the reader, or embraced with care,
It matters none you see;
For I stand safe, within the text,
Allowing me ... to simply, be.

(The above is her essay of why she writes)

Free | The Wings, The voice, and The Key.| SANE?
Taking care of SELF | Accept or Reject


"Don't be sad for me"
That's what he said.
"At least I'll be free"


Free of earthly imprisonment's?
Free of pain?
Free of the deceit?

always comes,
with a cost.

The price we pay,
when love becomes unselfish.
And sacrifice inevitable.

And I have learned,
That if the
All Mighty,
had come to me and said,
"I'll keep him with you,
if it is your wish"

Still, I would have said,
"Take Him"

For My prison,
was wrapped in his pain.

In the end,
I would have let him go,
if that decision
would have been mine to make.

But, God,
Carries that for us.
He decides.

And what is left for us,
who remain ...
Lies in Acceptance, and in trust.

And it comes down to
that I have lost him,
That he is Free.

It hurts less,
when I think of him as,
not gone...
But ... Free.

      Top of the Page.

The Wings, The voice, and The Key.

... And the shadows fell hard,
onto lost breaths,
while despair,
hovered about.

In the far distance...

Wings, spread wide,
and a voice, sang ...


'You'll not fall with shadows
Fly with despair
My wings are your shelter,
even from a far.'

And the wings and the voice,
came closer still.

While the shadows
turned into chains.

But, the wings,
held a key,
in the name of God.
The Master Key,
To all things good.

And the wings,
and the voice,
and the key...

turned the cold link chains,
into feathers ...

And the one with lost breath,
Inhaled deeply.

the feathers rose up to the air,
and blew away, the despair.

The wings parted the shadows.

And the sun peaked through.

The voice sang again,


And the key,
The master Key,
Gods Key,
the door to...


      Top of the Page.


Funny, how sane and insane
are defined.

This intrigues me so.

There are moments,
when I look to the clouds, as if they are Gods.
I can gaze for hours at the endless stories
told right there in the sky!
Faces seen, and ever changing,
then a gust of wind,
and there again,
a new story unfolds!

There are times,
when rainfall actually sings to me.
I hear a beat and a melody,
There is a bass line
and the music is always
in perfect pitch!

Other times,
I shut down,
see nothing,
hear no one.
Isolate to points of peculiar, Perhaps.

Then, yet again,
Some days, I hears silent screams
no one else can hear...
I soothe them inside my own my heart.

I dance in the rain.
Talk to my dog.
Reposition the same picture
on the wall again and again.
Cry out loud for no apparent reason.

Some may think that,
to be a bit insane...
But, to me,
It's simply,

How I stay, Sane.

Top of the Page.

Taking care of SELF

Her Daughter,
His Sister,
Their mother,
Friend to the needing.

When is she just herself?

Take care of this,
Keep control of that,
Never let them see you sweat,
Never even consider faltering.

It got to the point where she believed
that WHO she was,
Is that girl, just for THEM.

But, she forgot.

Punch the clock, Punch it again.
She mastered
holding down the fort,
portraying the tower of strength,
keeping it all together.

Except, herself.

She was last,
but of course,
she could be,
for she was stronger
then the rest,
she'd handle it all in the end.

Or so they thought ...
and so, she too ... thought.

So sad,
it took the emotional break down
for them, and her,
to learn,
that she was not above the pain.

And now,
the powers of the heart and mind,
are her prison.

If only she'd have let herself,
be ... human.


Dedicated to all,
who live for everyone,
except themselves,
Take Care of YOU,
before, life does it for you.

Top of the Page.

Accept or Reject

Walk the mile, and then some.
Acceptance is the key.

All along the journey,

I stamp my feet,
clinch my fists,
Huff and puff.
And the temper tantrum,
changes nothing.

It a humbling, yet frustrating thing.

It's all there in front of us,
Still we ... pretend we have final say...

We do not.

The directions we take,
we choose.
The choices we make,
we can win or loose.

There will always be,
Bigger, more powerful, beyond ... US.

There will always be, that haunting,
That we just had no control over.

Some things,
just simply are,
what they are.

Accept or Reject?

AHHH ...

is the one thing ... we DO have control over.

Accept or Reject.

Our, Yes, OUR Choice.

Top of the Page.

(Copyright 2003 - All Rights Reserved by Cher L. - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Cher L. at