Seeker Magazine

Thoughts of a Seeker

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April 2004


Purgatories come unbidden
they settle in and make themselves at home
One suffers through them
One hopes that at the culmination a brighter
life will creep into focus
The refiner's fire will have burned away the dross of one's life
but sometimes it has the effect of burning in victimhood
Depends on the soul
How it uses cleansing

One ready for illumination
will reap a harvest of rainbow ideas and actions and emotions
One closed to illumination
will reap darkness and ill winds

Purgatories may not come unbidden
A soul may long for cleansing
and create a stage for its effect
Grace abides in the living
through purgatory


apple blossom beside Bear Creek, CO

Copyright 2004 by Cherie Staples.

Table of Contents

Letter to the Editor:
Cherie Staples at