Seeker Magazine - April 2005

Katie Rose

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I write poetry when the creative urge to do so grabs my attention and being. At those special times I experience an energy (thoughts, feelings) deep within that clearly wants to manifest outwardly through the process of writing poetry ~ a channel opens up and the poems come through me in rather complete form, in one effortless big-breath. Rather than "me" writing, the process is often more like poems "happening." It is a delightful losing of self in the creative experience.

The two dominant threads of my life have been a spiritual thirst/focus and creative expression through various art forms. Spiritually I have been strongly connected with Sufis and for the last twenty years devoted to Avatar Meher Baba. My artistic endeavors have been primarily as a clay artist and recently as an acrylic painter, and about five years ago I started to write poetry--mainly poems about the inner life, reflecting different moments and phases of my journey. I've worked in the world as an art therapist and massage therapist, and currently continue to do all of the above to some degree. Born in New York City, I now live in Arizona with my husband, three dogs, and two cats.

Fire And Light | How Can I...?
Love Remembers | Two-Edged Sword | Empty
Love Grows | Resurrection Poem | I Cannot Make

Fire And Light

Your fire burns away my self,

Your radiance illumines my being with Love,

I'm consumed and filled
by your transforming Light.

What mystery! O, Resplendent One!

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How Can I...?

How can i tell you
what the mind does not know?

How can i whisper the fragrance
of the Divine?

How can i point out the One
when nothing else exists?

The silence is thundering.

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Love Remembers

fuzzy soup
i swim in
where nothing exists
except now

now and
and now

stretching into undivided infinity.

soft and cuddly
like a favorite
comforting teddy bear

slowed mind
isn't hearing
ego's crackling
on fear
and separation.

where there was sadness
joy now abounds,
and where there was darkness
glowing light pervades
bubbling up
just because

the space between the molecules
has expanded
and light and buoyancy
replace leaden depression

when dark nights' remnants
raise their head
and form a garland
on grief's tombstone,
love remembers

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Two-Edged Sword

what a two edged sword
your gift of your Presence,
finding you and
feeling you
in Everything:
each sparkling leaf
each word spoken
each step taken
every smile
every thought
every squirrel chatting
every osprey flying
every cup of tea supped --
every is-ness
a reflection
of your divinity;
any and every moment
you were there,
every thing
and not thing

filling my every pore
transporting me
to a State
of finite duration

as after weeks
it began fading
slowly taking leave
as sadly i watched
a ghost image
merging into vastness
my solid self weeping
for a loss
of nothing
that was Everything

and now i am here
no doubt changed
but missing
that immersion in
Everything is You
Only You Exist

ah this mind,
these sanskaras
loosened and unwound,
are still running
in dream circles
i call me.

Top of the Page.


hanging in there
one breath at a time,
in a vacant
pastel zone
apart from ecstatic highs
and leaden lows

sometimes empty
feels like loss

and sometimes
like gain

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Love Grows

i get a little happier
as my love for you

like an opening rose
whose perfume
uplifts the soul.

where has all the darkness gone?
consumed in your light.

where has all the tightness gone?
transformed by your love

into a hollow reed
singing the song You play
through every illumined cell

there are no words
for life of the spirit,
only heart waves
of gratitude and love

filling the wide space
of self's departure

yet i long for the final
at the foot
of Your glance...

there is no calling
except your love
leave all
and become One

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Resurrection Poem

you say you don't like
the dance
as if you were never
consulted --
but that's not true
and self pity rage
suck life.

rise up
from the heap of ashes
to join the light beams.

life is always good.

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I Cannot Make

i cannot make
mind sense
of the miracle
of more time here
to draw closer to You
to be thru example
to my utter surprise
this moment
of spiritual grace
clothed in
eating chocolate
sipping coffee
and reading fiction

unless this
drawing closer
to you

i see the
Divine Humor
at work

as in, light-en up
is to move My way

dance in rhythmic
to the Holy breath
sing songs from
the heart
of living love
be happy
where you are
as you are
right here
right now
without rules
and judgement
of how it's
to be

even remembering Me
will get lost
but I am there in
each life pulsation
that has
loving surrender

the flower
blooms perfectly
in its
right time
Top of the Page.

(Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved by Katie Rose - No reproduction without express permission from the author.)

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Letter to the Author: Katie Rose