Seeker Magazine - April 2005

The Light Articles:Yeahhhh....Sing something!

by Jamie Sanders

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I walked through the empty house with my friend as she showed me around with the playfulness and enthusiasm of a little girl. Room by room she told me her plans for displaying her personal treasures that reflected each aspect of her life she had lived so far. I watched, I listened and hung on every word for it was good to see her so excited at the prospect of setting up her new home and beginning a new phase of her adventure.

I had felt a deep connection with this woman the instant our paths crossed once more. Yes, I say once more, because the memory of her energy was one that was so familiar to my soul that I knew there was a past that was woven into the webbed fragments of some life we'd shared before this one. Sometimes we can meet another person and just know that we have a past with them, even though we may have never met them before that present encounter. For some these feelings are strange, but for others it is as comfortable and natural as being with someone we have known and shared many private and deep personal memories with. When we are connected to another, that connection cannot be contained simply by a current time and a body. Connections with others, deep-seated emotions, and spiritual love, live on forever.

We stepped into the empty two-car garage and I began to hum to myself as she was locking the door behind her. The double doors of the structure were closed and the room echoed with each note. "Yeahhhh," she said smiling. "Sing something!" Her request caught me off guard and I laughed. "What do you want me to sing?" "Doesn't matter, Just do it," she said as she locked the door and turned. I stood there for a few seconds and closed my eyes and began to sing "Amazing grace.... How sweet...." Suddenly she began to sing with me. I was surprised and overcome with the sound our voices made, at the haunting harmony she quickly added to the energy and vibration of that remarkable song. "That saved a soul like me.... I once was lost, but now I'm found, 'twas blind, but now I see..." We stood there as if frozen or etched in time somehow singing those words with such abandonment and gut-wrenching sentiment that nothing else mattered in that moment. We were literally in the "now" of being together through song. I had loved my friend all along, but never like I did standing there in that empty room.

When we were done singing I opened my eyes and we looked at each other and smiled while holding back tears and a mix of other thoughts and feelings we couldn't put words to. She took a deep breath and whispered, "I think we just blessed my house." I laughed and said, " I think we just blessed the neighbors too, cause' I know they had to hear that." She laughed and said, "It doesn't matter." I totally agreed. That was one of those sacred moments that come along and are so special and memorable that it wouldn't matter if there were a hundred people watching or no one at all. It was a spirit connection. It was a God moment that would live on forever in my heart and in my memory for many lifetimes of that I am sure.

I think about that night quite often and it always realigns my heart into that space of feeling loved by the Universe. Like many, I have days where I might feel lost, lonely and unloved and need some kind of reminder that there could be nothing further from the truth. I am always loved. I am never alone. If I find myself engulfed in those kinds of thoughts and feelings, I have to understand that those emotions are created within myself. They hold no truth! I have been blessed with many gifts that continually reaffirm how much I am loved and valued by God, others and myself.

We are all given special moments with others that hold deep meaning and are important to our becoming more than what we have been. The secret isn't so much to try and create those moments, but to simply be aware that they are always happening to and around us. God is always at work. God is always present. Stand still, breathe and behold the wonders of the Universe that lie within your own soul.

Live in joy, sing with a friend even if others are watching and dance your own dance. The Universe will always applaud you! And above all else, keep spreading The Light!

(Copyright 2005 by Jamie Sanders- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Jamie Sanders at Jamie