Seeker Magazine

Letter From The Editor

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April 01, 1997

What's important in a life? The answers are simple and self evident, but so very easy to lose sight of. Each spring I toss restlessly under a blanket of responsibilities, projects and goals, wondering blankly why it is I can't seem to feel good about anything..and wondering how my time got to be so scarce.

In my annual effort to cut back and find a balance, I found myself writing a regretful letter to a friend, explaining that I would have to cut back on promised hours and commitments. I braced myself for a disappointed reply, and the ensuing guilt I knew it would cause me. I received a letter the very next day that made me blink in astonishment, and shone a light into the dull fog of my thoughts.

My friend told me to tend to what was important, to take time for myself. She reminded me of the value of focused time with those I love, and of the importance of personal interaction. She showed me the relative values of things left behind when we're gone, and that who we touch is more important than the material goals we achieve. She offered support and love, and warned me against guilt. Rather than remind me of what I would not be able to do, she praised what I had been able to accomplish. Mighty gifts, indeed..and no truer way could have been found to drive her point home. Nothing I have gained this long month has meant as much to me as that letter.

The silly thing about all this, is I knew these things...I really did. But somewhere, sometime, I had forgotten them, and my spirit had been suffering the loss. Thank you Lin, once again, for your clear vision and your sincere caring. With friendship like this, and a little concentration on my part, perhaps I can keep the truly important things at the top of my list of priorities.

In light of all this..these are my goals for next week.

1. Call on old friend.
2. Surprise the man I love.
3. Go to the woods, to smell and hear the sure signs of the earth's awakening.
4. Write a long letter to two neglected Heartbrothers.

I think I can manage to fit these into my schedule, no prob...and I suspect it's going to be a wonderful week!

Denise Ruiz
Editor - Seeker Magazine

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