Seeker Magazine

Murli Menon

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Murli Menon is the winner of the all-India poetry competition and runs an environmental organisation IN INDIA.

The Accident
The moonless night...
That played around with my imagination,
Making me see scary visions,
And leading to the accident,
The moonless night - the trickster.

That came so close to me,
But who backed away,
To stalk another victim,
Death - the traitor.

Who protected me in my hour of need,
And saw me unscathed,
Through my cerebral surgery,
God - the Saviour.

Who got immense pleasure,
Seeing me paralysed and helpless.
Fate- the sadist.

Which saw me regain.
The strength of my arm and leg;
Which helped me hold on,
In the most difficult of times,
Helped me smile through my tears...
Willpower- my companion.

The City
The City once so dear to me.

The nucleus of my existence.
Now transformed into an alien world,
By the departure of the one so beloved.

No soul awaits my arrival here,
No smile greets me back;
No hand leads me on,
All alone and desolate, I try to survive.

The city that moulded my dreams,
My hopes and my aspirations;
Promises me now, the gift...
Of a stream, of unending tears...
My city-- changed from a Paradise green... a polluted dump;
By the ever increasing populace.

Miss World
Miss World,
No indoor rose Will ever be kissed By the first morning
how Can the most Gorgeous of beauties Exhibit their true
personalities, When imprisoned behind the gates of the
Manor. The real Miss World Lives happily in her paradise; As
knows no
bondage, Freedom knows no cage, And true beauty speaks no
Except the language of freedom. And the real `Miss World' is
sun, the moon and the stars.

The Sweet Enchanter
Love is like the burning candle,
Kindled by two hearts;
Hearts that find their fullness,
In oneness.

Hearts that are bound
By the golden threads of love,
Are hearts that are inseparable;
Pining for each other in separation.

Love illuminates the way ahead of you,
Rendering true worth to every moment of your life;
Imparting warmth in the chilly winter of your life.

Love is the sun that melts the snow,
To reveal the beauty of the snow-clad mountains;
Love is the rock that smashes the shell,
To reveal the precious pearl that lies within.

The Ride
I've been loitering again,
Over hills and valleys;
Of my own creation.
I wander....
Over the blue waters of the ocean,
Untouched by storm or gale;
Over swaying palm trees,
Which shelter those winged crooners.
I wander...
Over mangrove swamps, wherein dwell death in hiding.
Over peaks and ridges
Which astound the bravest;
Over firs and birches,
Which crave to reach the stars.
At night I ride the crescent moon,
From one end of the horizon to the other
I flirt with the luminous stars;
As I pass them by.

Yet I am no winged bird,
Nor do I possess man made wings;
I am just a rider,
In the chariot of my dreams.

Nature Poetry
Passion is...
Like the flash of lightning,
That illuminates brightly;
But disappears in a few seconds,
Plunging the earth into eternal
Love is...
Like the flowing mountain streams,
That trickle down in sweet elegance;
Overcoming all obstacles in its path,
Merging into the translucent ocean.
Passion is momentary,
Love is eternal!

I was born several billion years in
the past,
I am the EARTH, no mortal can outlast;
Alexander, Napolean,Hitler, I've seen
them all,
I am the EARTH, who has seen the
mighty fall.

But my arrogance made me feel
And today I realise, my mistake was
My ozone layer is nearly over,
And I am now, cowering for cover;

The global warming is making me burn,
And the rising ocean levels are making
me drown;
The destruction of forestshave made my
hairline thin,
And the endless soil erosion has
wrinkled my skin;
Poison gases are all I get to breathe,
And one by one, I am loosing all my teeth;
My robust frame has become weak,
And my endless exploitation has made
me meek;

As my future looks scary dark,
SAVE ME, SAVE ME.. is all I ask.
(This is an appeal from our dying earth which is crying for your attention.)

Murli Menon's collection of poems titled environment friendly poetry is available for US$1O for more details!

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