Excerpts from a Seeker's Journal

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Continuing my quest to explore my thought, "youth accurately see the problems in the world and are promptly overwhelmed," I have come to one of the most difficult parts. Therefore I am going to break from the straight and narrow path of examining one line at a time and work on what seems appropriate- sometimes one must strive to break from a mold that forces you to conform. After all, it is the manner of change that the old skin is shed that the new skin might shine forth and the self might grow. (A little bit of a snake reference, not entirely unusual for me, having been taught by the snake at times. We should always remember our teachers and give them the respect they deserve. All true students understand this.)

Anyway, to go into depth at this stage would require a heavy analysis of the nature and number of problems confronting us. Let's face it, I am not at the point where I can do that.

A point that I have tried to make in looking at this thought is that the problems arrayed against us are so complex and diverse that they have become impossible, well... nearly so, to identify in their entirety. They are certainly beyond my capabilities at this time. That there are such problems is not up for debate. If someone cannot see them, then they are blind, maybe subconsciously, but blind nonetheless.

One of my main concerns, one that I think many problems in our world stem from, is that people refuse to see others as 'human.' We humans are so fragmented and distraught and often fighting among ourselves. It has been said many times, in many ways, by many different people: the simple fact is that we are all humans. There is no getting around this, although there are fools out there who cannot see it. This is one of the deepest aspects of our problems, though it does not touch upon technical aspects at all.

That youth accurately see these problems and are overwhelmed could be disputed. Of course, some people go so far as to dispute that we are actually here at all... saying that the universe could have been created five minutes ago in its current state of affairs. Well, whatever one wants to think is what one will think, plain and simple.

I do not think that each and every person has a full idea of all the problems confronting this world; it's mind numbing just trying to think about all the possibilities. If one were to actually conceive of them, it would likely be mind-blowing! Someday we shall have to confront them in their entirety. At that point we must be ready for the wealth of information and the responsibility that comes with such knowledge. Now is not the time, I should think.

Saying that the entirety of these problems would blow one's mind doesn't mean that parts of it would, though to attempt what is currently impossible is completely foolish. However, to look at what appears currently impossible, in order to understand its aspects, is in fact not foolish. Hopefully, one can then attain the tools to help surmount the impossibility. It is the proper way to achieve anything and should therefore be the way to solve this little dilemma.

To move back to my point, that youth do see these problems... No, not everyone sees everything, but at the very least, a few people see each problem. And that is the most important thing, that at least a few are able to see what is going on. It is a foundation upon which things can be built. But more than that, I think that many youth see quite a bit more than just a few of these things.

When I finally get people to talk about and look at the things that go on around us, they acknowledge that there are many problems. And while it is true that they do not care to look at them every moment of every day, it seems to follow that they see most of what is going on. I think people realize the nature of what is actually out there in the world, and what we need to deal with. But there is so much. Too much. Too much for any one person, and in general, that is what people think they have to work with, only one person. Only themselves.

People do not often speak of these things, of their ideas, of their ideals. That is not something that people seem to keep on their minds too often. Most of the time it is bills, fixing the leaks in the roof, their girl- or boyfriend, their next appointment. There is so much stuff out there to keep us occupied, and so much of it is not that important. Well, maybe it is, but in comparison to the truth of our wellbeing, no... I do not think it is at all important. When was the last time that getting a bill made you feel good? When was the last time that your appointment to get your car fixed actually made your day instead of 'cutting into' your busy schedule?

These little things distract us and not for the betterment of our health. They distract us from that which we need to look at, the situation, the world before us, ourselves.

'Tis all, as of this writing.

(Copyright 4/01/98 by David Langer - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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David Langer <dlanger@zoo.uvm.edu>
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