Seeker Magazine

A Time of Transition

by: Ornesha De Paoli

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"There is something most wonderous which lies just beyond your sight. It is always there, but few can touch it, and even less know of it's existence. It is like the place you are at now, the place where I used to be, except that now I can feel you, instead of just looking at you. I don't know why I used to be afraid of this place because I'm not now, but I feel that many still are."

The world that we have come to know is changing more quickly now than at any time in our recorded history. Not only in it's technological advances, but also in the belief systems of our race. A mere generation ago, when I was a child, life seemed much slower, and Sundays were always reserved for church services. My parents could plan for their future, and for ours, and always said to us "When the good Lord wants me, he'll take me home if I've led a good and decent life." Hence, I had come to believe that no matter what I was doing with my life, that it could come to an abrupt halt at any given moment, depending upon if I was called to heaven (or God forbid, hell).

I am now certain that the only place "hell" exists is in the minds of the ones who fear it. However, I still didn't care much for the idea that my life could simply end just as I was in the middle of something that I considered important. In fact, it was a little disconcerting to feel I had no control over such a thing, especially since I had read where there were whole societies of people living in remote areas of the earth who had the ability to go into a deep meditation when it was time for their passing, and simply leave their bodies with no pain, and with their own choosing.

"It is a truth that any of my children may choose their time for coming home. For, how can I choose such a thing for any. You have been given the will to be free, and the choices that you make come from that gift."

So why is it that so many people are still dying in accidents and from debilitating diseases? According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average life expectancy now is between 73 years and 79.8 years, whereas for those born in 1920, the average life expectancy was then only 54.1 years. What this is saying is that we're learning how to live longer, healthier lives, yet the national death rate goes up steadily with the population.

"As the time draws nearer to the time of the great shift in consciousness, there are those who feel that it would be too difficult to remain in the body, and that to assist from spirit would be more beneficial to the shift, and to the earth, and to their loved ones.

There has been much said about the upcoming Earth Changes, and much spoken of the devastation that they will bring. Please hear these words: There is no need for such calamity. The more energy that is placed upon the thought of wide devestation, the more this energy is placed into the collective consciousness. If the thoughts are of fear and possible chaos, what do you suppose those thought would bring into reality? Yes, there shall be changes in the Earth, for the Earth is in dire need of cleansing herself. In the cleansing process there is always that which is washed away. Imagine yourself as the planet Earth with tiny beings living off of your flesh for eons, and you kindly gave to them the resources they required for survival. Over the centuries, after much drilling into your skin, and polluting your body with toxins, it is necessary for you to take a shower, shake your body, and dry off. For, if you don't clean yourself soon, the pollutants may kill you.

As with any cleansing process, the body must raise it's energy to be able to discard the impurities properly. After the discard has taken place, the energy again raises dramatically. That is happening with the Earth at this time. It's energy is raising to better assist in a proper cleansing, upon which time, the Earth shall undergo a drastic rise in energy, bringing it fully into the next dimension.

There are those whose bodies are not prepared for this energy rise, and, so, choose to come home to meditate and heal, or to assist from spirit."

In our higher selves, we are deeply aware of this cleansing process. However, many are consciously unaware, and so they lack the spiritual knowledge to make a conscious decision as to whether they would be happier to assist the earth from this reality or from spirit. Then there are still others who think the earth is their testing ground for harmful experimentation. They simply add to the need for the cleansing.

Because there are now and will be in the near future, many who choose to leave the body in the cleansing process, there is the need to understand that as the choice is made, those who remain can easily assist those who depart in a much gentler manner.

In the case of an "accidental death", the one departing may not consciously be aware of the choice to leave, and so may have a great deal of fear at the last moments or seconds before leaving the body. As painful as it is to those who remain, please see that the body was discarded, not the soul. The soul will always exist, just as it did while encased in the body, and with it, the memories and the love will always exist also.

If the person was in fear before leaving, there is a possibility that the soul may have difficulty reaching the vibratory level of what many envision as heaven, but is actually a breath away from where you sit right now.

"To the one who abruptly exits the body in fear, there is a time when he may not be able to see his true home, for it will be as if he is still in the body, yet none can see him. This is the time to send your thoughts of love and the divine thought to the one departed. For to help him to let go of the fear, is to help him to raise his energy to see himself as he truly is. One of Godness, and one who is home."

Now, in the case of the person who chooses to leave the body through a disease or illness, there is much more time to assist this person, even if it is only hours. For it could make an incredible difference in the peacefulness of their decision to leave.

Since there is more time to assist them, there is also more time to mourn their passing. The process of mourning is a natural one. Allow yourself the time to do this, for it is healthy. However, when in the presence of the one in the process of leaving, keep the mourning outside of the door. The energy of the sadness at times keeps the ill one hanging on longer out of guilt, and makes it more difficult to leave the body. It also, at times, keeps one lingering around their old environment, and remaining "stuck" in-between vibrations even after they have passed on. So allow yourself the sadness and the mourning, but give to the one who has made the decision to leave your love and understanding of their choice.

If you are very close to the one who is terminally ill and will be spending time with them, understand that it is a choice of yours, also, to be an assistant to their passing, if not consciously, then in higher self.

"As the one who is ill moves closer to spirit, there will be those times when she may feel very peaceful, and then times when she may feel very agitated. The times of peacefulness are due to her visits with those on the other side who come to help her adjust. She may also be out playing in the universe while her body sleeps, for it will be free of the aches and pains of the tired body for a while. The times when she is agitated may be from those who care for her, fussing over her body when she simply desires quietness and privacy."

Many who work in hospitals are used to seeing the sick and the elderly. It is not that they don't care for their patients, because most often they care deeply. However, there is a desensitization that takes place with caretakers which is normal. While they are caring for the ill one, and doing all that is necessary to keep their hygene of practical standards, they are also, most often, very deeply invading the privacy of the one who is ill. This causes the ill one to feel quite uncomfortable, as many people feel shy about certain aspects of their anatomy.

Watch to see that the dignity is held intact for the one who is ill, and although hygene is of the utmost importance, see that it is done with gentleness and with love.

"To help him feel very peaceful at the time of his transition, allow whichever sensation he feels to show him the way. Continue sending love and the divine thought to him. See that those who come to visit are of a positive and loving nature. Allow him to tell to you the ones he wishes not to see, and honor his wishes.

His body may have a bit of difficulty at the last hours. If there is difficulty breathing, simply have him follow you and your breaths. Breathe slowly and calmly, and reassure him.

Do not over medicate him. This will cause a difficulty in his transition. He must have his senses about him to be able to accept the way of his transition from the body and it's heavier energy, to the soul and it's lighter energy. All who choose to come to earth have been given the ability to consciously decide when they shall release the body and return to spirit. This gift has been forgotten by many, and, so, when there is pain within the body, it is a common practice to medicate this pain and numb the senses. When the mind becomes numbed by these medications, it cannot clearly allow the body to be released after the soul has already made the decision to let go. Hence, what would naturally be a joyous homecoming, can become an internal struggle laced in confusion. It would be much easier for the one who is ill to transition into spirit by easing the pain when necessary with proper light meditations, and then assisting the ill one to find internal peace in the interim.

As you assist your loved one in the transition process, please do not be afraid to ask for assistance from spirit to be a part of this most beautiful event, and know that The One who guides your steps and his, is holding his hand."

So many times we want to hold on to those we love. We feel that if they pass away, we will never see them again. This leaves a great hole in our hearts which feels like an empty space in our souls. But to attempt to keep a loved one here against their will to leave, is to interfere in their free will, and in reality, the most unloving thing that we can do.

"To the one who has said a tearful goodbye to their dearly beloved: See them as I do. A beautiful bright light that shines for eternity, never fading, and never dying. The love that you hold in your hearts is the love that you carry with you forever. Although the body may no longer be that to which you may touch, the soul is but a breath away, and you may touch it whenever you close your eyes and see the light, as I do.

Know, my dear ones, that you shall see each other again, for we are all connected."

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