By Susan Kramer
A rose bush blooms so beautifully because it is putting its energy into what it does best--manifesting fragrant blossoms--which in turn provide nectar for the bees--the bees producing the honey we use for sweetening.
The rose bush, in the perfection of doing the best job it can, nourishes another aspect of creation--on and on.
As we put our energy into blossoms of caringness, for the highest good, by following our conscience, we fulfill our humanity--beings of lovingness that connect harmoniously with others and each aspect of creation.
We are a universal network, with creative minds and free will to make choices that allow us to feel our transcendent happiness. Using our mind to choose and act lovingly for the highest good allows us to be filled with knowledge of the golden gift of harmony that nature inspires.
Relating Appropriately
When relating from a calm mind and loving heart, the right words and actions come forth easily. We are relating appropriately when we respond in a way that benefits everyone.
All nature is in shades and gradations of color and texture. In relating, we need to color our responses appropriately, so the highest good will come from our words and actions.
Subduing a stark fact allows its import to slip more easily into another's reality. If we really want to serve other people's needs, we should observe what their capacity is for absorbing specific information, before relating all.
A child does not need the depth of information an adult could assimilate. As adults, our capacity continues to increase in understanding as we grow in understanding about ourselves and our place in the world-wide harmony.
If we relate from, or get back to calmness before relating, we will be the most helpful to our family, friends, and fellow citizens.
Appreciation is thankfulness for who we are. Appreciation sees beauty and harmony. It is a devotional attitude--recognizing a guiding force behind the harmony.
Showing appreciation for those we relate with, softens their borders of self-centeredness, as well as our own.
Journeying--making the trek through life from birth to release--the time between for discovery of our Self. The more wide awake we stay, by following the leadership of our conscience, the more conscious and fulfilled we will become on the journey.
Journeying. The road is varied. Sometimes we gently stroll, and other times we climb steeply, reaching a peaceful plateau to enjoy, for awhile. Life's journeying carries us through a jungle of many activities and choices, with the free will to choose what will be best in any situation.
We need to prepare for the journey if we want to have the most fulfilling life possible. We need to keep our body clean, exercised, and rested. Also, we need to keep positive attitudes, which allow energy to flow through us, vitalizing ourselves, and the recipients of our caring actions.
The process takes us from the wilderness of self-centeredness back home again--this time with fuller consciousness of joy. When we complete our journey by becoming awake and aware, we live as beautiful examples of self-sustaining peace, joy, and lovingness.
The Gift Exchange
Nature provides for each of us by her sharingness.
Each of us has special gifts to share--we share and receive from others' sharing our whole life. We are interdependent on our fellow beings. We live in a give and receive world. If we share in the ways we can, we feel easeful in our body and retain our peace of mind--we are harmoniously blending with the overall plan of creation which is giving and receiving on all levels--from simple molecule to complex star.
The purest form of giving is loving. By our caring thoughts, feelings, and actions our consciousness expands. We are enriched as humans because we feel love as a quality of our personal being.
Conversely, we enrich others' quality of life when we relate with pure caring love, and others learn from being loved by us just how to share their love in turn.
Through sharing lovingly we feel enriched, enlivened, interconnected with all.