Seeker Magazine

The Evolution of Soul

from ieoya and the Group Consciousness - through Pauline Larson

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The evolution of humanity will not come about through manipulation of the physical environment nor the physical body, but through the understanding of the spiritual and the soul.

Your true nature is that of spirit, of soul. Your body is merely an apparatus in which to explore the duality of an earthly experience. To many of you the reality of the soul is a foreign concept; for you do cling to the belief that you are the physical body: you pamper it, or you abuse it, either way, you believe it defines who you are.

You have studied, probed, medicated, dissected, and explored the human body down to the smallest cell. And you now believe you understand what should make a physical body healthy. And yet, despite all your knowledge, many of your species are not healthy, mentally or physically. Let us explore together a higher concept: that of healing the soul, and all else will follow.

It is time that you cease to limit your physical experience to that of the five senses. It is time that you realize that more than what you perceive with the sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing and feeling comprise reality. There are many vibrational levels that exist all around you, all containing life. Yet, many of you, your sciences included, do not acknowledge this definition of life.

Now you, as a human race, are at a turning point in your journey of evolution. And it needs be that you step beyond how you have defined reality and believe that the subtle prompting, you call intuition, is real. You allow that maybe a mother may have an intuitive thought about a child, because of their close bond. Now it is time that you do realize that you share a close bond with all life. And when we refer to all life we are speaking of the life that exists outside and beyond that which looks and acts as you do. For there is life that exists apart from what you perceive through the limitation of your five senses.

When you accept that the unseen world truly exists, then the accelerated growth of your soul will occur. There is much that lies beyond your physical perceptions. There are beings of light that exist on all levels. You connect with them when you are in the deep phase of meditation or in moments of spontaneous insight, however, in normal consciousness, or when the moment of insight has passed, you deny your own experience. You tell yourself that it must have been only a figment of your imagination. And we say to you that: exploring these, so called figments of your imagination, will lead you to the truth of who and what you are.

Has not your science discovered that there are particles that are smaller than the eye can see, even smaller than that which can be detected with all manner of physical instruments? And yet your sciences believe that they must exist because of their affect on physical matter. If you can allow that this is true, then can you not also allow, that there is an unseen world that lies somewhere beyond the world of your physical senses, beyond your science, that also affects matter. A spiritual realm containing life.

We suggest that you allow your rigid beliefs to become flexible enough to at least entertain the possibility that there are infinite living beings and worlds existing beyond the range of your human perceptions. As long as you hold to the belief that there is no realty other than that of your five senses, you will cease to evolve. As long as you view this as truth, it is as if you are choosing to damn your own evolution—to choose your own demise.

May we suggest that you turn your attention to the needs of the soul. You do not know how to study the nature of the soul because you cannot see it or prove its existence. And you will not discover the mysteries of the soul by seeking within the illusion of the physical.

In many of your religious traditions you acknowledge the existence of a soul, but you have relegated it into the realm of the unknown, the mysterious, the incomprehensible; a concept to ponder when death touches your life. Now we ask you to ponder, for a moment, what role your soul plays in the everyday struggles and triumphs of your physical life.

You, a small part of your soul, incarnated within a physical scenario of a life, to experience physicality. You arrived with many desires, many concepts to understand and much karma to heal. Each of you incarnate within a specific body, circumstances, and relationships; all chosen by you and your spiritual guides that you might experience that which you desired to experience. The purpose of life is to heal and unite the fractured parts of your soul.

Your species has been experiencing and evolving upon the plane of the three dimensional world. Now it is time to experience and evolve into a higher dimension. Your souls are desiring that you reach upward into the light of a new dawning of accelerated growth; through the wisdom of the soul. Now this new accelerated growth will come about by the correct thinking of your thoughts; which will bring healing to your souls.

Pay attention to your thoughts, they create your perceptions of everything in your world. They generate an intention that sets spiritual energy into motion, which creates a physical manifestation in your body and then into your world. Negative and feared based thoughts, or positive and joyful based thoughts, will create a physical manifestation in like kind.

Pay particular attention to how various thoughts affect your emotions; for your emotions affect your physical body, and also understand that this effect extends beyond the barriers of your human bodies. They are a force of energy that radiates out in all directions, creating your perception of reality. You, as a collective human species, have unconsciously created a world based on fear and doubt. Your collective souls are now calling to you to create consciously with love and confidence. Heal your bodies, heal your spirits, heal your world, by stepping boldly into the intended evolution of your soul.

Call out to the high guides, angels and teachers—that reside within the energy field of spirit—for guidance. These spiritual beings have been with human kind from time beyond time, but the human has ceased to call upon them, for there is a cloak of mystery and suspicion that is put upon anyone in the physical realm who dares to say that they do communicate with entities from an unseen realm. Release your fears. They are unfounded.

You have more in common with unseen beings than you might suppose. Your evolution depends on communicating between the world of the physical and the world of the spiritual. You have merely become as frightened children afraid of your own shadows. Open the doors, open the windows of your own self-created deception, and allow the light of truth to flood your being. You can not understand anything that you shut out from the realm of possibility. By becoming open and aware, your soul growth is assured.

Now we understand that there has been such a time of turmoil upon your planet. Many of you wonder how humanity or the world can survive. You hope that somehow someone with higher knowledge will save you. You wish to be transported to some other place, where peace and prosperity reign. A physical mass evacuation of your planet is not necessary, the new growth will come as a mass evacuation of old limiting thoughts; this is how you will claim the new heaven and the new earth. The new era will be accomplished by rising above the lower, slower, denser frequencies of fear and doubt of the body; and rising into the higher, faster, lighter frequencies of joy and love; the frequencies of the soul.

Yes, reaching up and evolving, is the answer to all of your dilemmas. By doing this, your species will grow at such a phenomenal rate that, within a span of a few short years, those who incarnate within the human experience will be more than you could hope for as a human species. They will come with more of the knowledge of their true identity—that of a spirit, a piece of the All That Is - and they will bring a new understanding to the human condition. You will recognize these new spirits by the joyful light that they radiate. This light will be acknowledged and incorporated into the experience of all who come in contact with them. Now it is not that these spirits are of any more or less value than another, it is just that they will incarnate with more of the remembrance of soul. Together you will heal your collective souls.

Yes, your evolution will come - not through the path of physical sorrow, but through the path of spiritual joy.

Meditation to Connect with Soul

We appeal to all humans to answer the clarion call of the soul. We call to you to be light bearers of the truth of All That Is by going within yourself, silencing the chatter of your mind, and accessing the part of you that is authentic - your soul.

Close your eyes and sit quietly. Allow a peaceful feeling to envelop you. Now picture yourself completely alone, there are no others to consider, only you. For some this may be a difficult task; for many of you were taught, and you accepted, the believe that you should assume the roles assigned to you and put other people's desires ahead of your own. So it may take a while for you to truly sense what is your desires and what is your perception of someone else's expectations of you. However, the knowledge and the skills that you will obtain by doing this exercise will be very valuable to you.

Now imagine yourself within a space of white. In this space of white only you exist. Feel yourself floating within this space of white. Imagine yourself completely safe and supported by an invisible force. Everything you fear, or feel uncomfortable with, is absorbed by this invisible force. Everything you love, and are at peace with, is generated by it. You are merely floating within this peaceful space of white.

Now within your imagination, allow your body to lightly and easily separate from your awareness, and observe your body as it simply floats within this space of white. There is no side ways, no front ways, or back ways; there is no up, no down; there is no length, no width, no height, no depth, no weight, there is only your observance of your body floating in this place of white. There is only here and now and the whiteness, which is a sort of white light all around your body.

Now observe your body becoming lighter and lighter, and drifting further and further, up and away from you. Now observe your body becoming smaller and smaller, until it becomes a small blue dot in a space of white. Now observe your body as it disappears into the whiteness, which has become as a white light shining toward you - you that is now the observer.

Now sense yourself without person, place, or thing. You are no longer: a man/woman, a husband/wife, a son/daughter, a father/mother, an employer/employee, educated/not educated, a member of any organizations - religious or secular - nor countless other labels or identities that you have chosen to assume.

You, without anything, are the white light, simply being the white light. Feel this total beingness and allow this floating feeling to carry you, adrift on a sea of bliss. As each idle thought drifts into your mind, thank it and allow it to merely float away. There are no concerns, no obligations, no decisions to be made, nothing to desire, it is all gone. Yet, all is well. Nothing exists only the floating; only the being aware of being aware. You are total peace - nothing and everything.

Now allow a feeling of warmth to envelop you. This feeling is the total love emanating from your own soul. Within this oneness of your soul - that now resides within and around you and is the white light - images will slowly float. Pay close attention to your emotions and feelings as each image drifts into your awareness; for the truth of who you are and what you desire and the answers to all your queries lie within the knowing of your own soul. Your soul will speak to you in the language of images and feelings. You may welcome or dismiss any and all images and the feelings and emotions they engender; until those images that remain, will only be those which feel right to your own inner knowing. And they will be the ones your soul wishes to manifest into the physical. They will be your truth, your creation, your joy and your abundance. Yes, you will know the yearning of your soul. Believe it and it is so.

Enjoy this feeling of peace for as long as you wish. When you are ready to return: simply acknowledge a tiny dot of blue within the space of white. Now merely observe as the dot floats toward you. Notice that it is beginning to form into the image of your body. It is getting closer and closer, larger and larger. Sense your awareness merging with your body. Now you, your body, your mind, your soul are whole and complete - you are one. Peace, love, and joy engulf you. And in this moment, you will remember the truths your soul shared with you. And it is so.

(Copyright 1999 by Pauline Larson - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Letter to the Author:
Pauline Larson at Visit Pauline's website at IEOYA

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