Seeker Magazine

Let Go; Live Again

by Susan Kramer

Our lives are like honey combs
with spaces to fill our time
as we choose
Most spaces filled
with activities
to maintain our body
and lifestyle
We also have spaces available
for the interweaving of relationship—
As we relate one on one
we weave our threads of separateness
into a tapestry
which seems solid and permanent
When a personal relationship disintegrates
we feel pain
as the cloth of our bonding is torn to shreds
It hurts to rip apart
from the relationships we create…
To once again establish
our peace and harmony
we can begin reweaving the torn threads
into a more refined tapestry

By upgrading our self-centered feelings into caring, we relax and regain our sense of balance and harmony. Evolution is a natural building and tearing down process that makes space for refined and redesigned structures. A relationship fails to be a relationship when one or both can no longer grow within the current set of circumstances, conditions, and interactions.

It is okay to begin rebuilding with a different set of circumstances and another person. We again take up our threads and begin reweaving a new and more refined pattern into our relationship cloth. It is the natural evolution.

Eventually we create
an intimate relationship
out of mutual unconditional caring love
steeped in harmony
withstanding external pressure and changes

It is a tapestry whose threads are as pure liquid silver—whose lightness and lovingness is eternal, and indestructible by mortal happenings. This kind of relationship is created when we live our life lovingly for the highest good of ourselves, and simultaneously for the highest good of the relationship.

The pain of disintegration is a fiery refining process. Consciously allowing, surrendering, and letting go of an unworkable relationship forms a bridge to a better life for both.

We create our reality as we choose
based on past experience and insights
In one area or another
we're in process of building up
or tearing down
Pain is perceived
when we feel we've lost
But in reality we're rearranging
to fulfill our needs and desires
and learning to relate
with unconditional love

artwork and writing  ã 2001 Susan Kramer
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