Seeker Magazine


Rhapsodies in Words

to reawaken our fascination with the ever-original SOUL

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If I Could Tell You

A Poem About the Potentiality of True Lovers

If I were to tell you how lovely you are,
Would you come with me to a garden of desire
      and never return again...?

              We would recline
              On a carpet of rose petals and fly

                     to a cascading fountain
                     shaped like a silver crescent chalice

                            And we would never need to hide
                            Our feelings from one another.

The sun could never burn our skin,
       and naked, our lingering kisses

              Would cause us to levitate
              Until parting we will uncover

                     strong, soft and supple wings
                     which would lift us

            yet another garden

                           Where birds would sing symphonies of song
                                   so terrifyingly stunning and deep
                                          that we would die and be reborn again,

                                          ...Still in the embrace of our beloved.

I am no longer afraid, for as you hold me, it's as if all my petty troubles have vanished

              ...into a shimmering pool
              of effortless knowledge

Sing to me now, and open your emerald throat
And I will sing to you, until tears condense into droplets of light

              ...and form shooting comets beyond the blazing stars
              of your liquid eyes. Now let me die again

                           ...and be in your rapture.

(Copyright 2002 by Darius Gottlieb - No reproduction without express permission from the author)

You're invited to visit Darius' website for more of his photographs and his music at Art Bliss

Letter to the Author at

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