Seeker Magazine

Selected Poems

by Michael David Coffey

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Life and Death

Sweet the light that transcends the dark mists
That penetrates the delicate graying veil
Bringing new hope to an aging soul

Yesterday was a death, a passing
A reminder of the frailness of life
Of ambition extinguished like a candle flame

Life is an illusion as such
A record of events that gather dust
A play that has run its course

What then of now
It is an illusion, too
Death so near reminds me

That life is to be lived
To be tasted, devoured, savored
And throwing back the fears, the depression

To stride once more upon the stage
To deliver, to love, to pause and enjoy
The sweet dawn, the ebbing day, the dark night


Evening falls in the gurgling of a stream
Green, vibrant, unhurried, purposeful
Searching for the way to restful reflection
Light of a golden sun twinkling in the drops
Of heaven's kiss, a poignant sigh
Of an embracing wind, whispering its love
So simple, so endearing, so restive

Copyright 2002 by Michael David Coffey (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Michael David Coffey at