Seeker Magazine

Living from Spirit
New Beginnings

by Diana Kennedy

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Life is a series of new beginnings. Little deaths, too. Little deaths that we experience at the end of relationships, at the end of jobs (whether or not it was our conscious choice to leave), when leaving a familiar neighborhood… So many times, it seems (Boy, does it!) that these "deaths" are real. That things won't be the same. That we are dying.

And in some respect, we are! Dying to the old us, to old beliefs, to the old ways of doing things. You may have heard of the tale of the guy who was walking along the edge of a cliff's when he lost his balance and fell. Remembering that there was a river nearby and not knowing how far down it was to safety, he clung for dear life to some branches of a vine that grew out of the side of the cliff. He cried out to God, "Help me!" and God answered, "Let go of the branch!". The guy heard the command but thought for sure, this message was not for him, so again he prayed for guidance and asked God for help. God again said, "Let go of the branch" and this went on and on for quite a while before the guy was forced to let go when the vine ripped out of the earth. His hands were bleeding and his body badly scratched up when he fell only a few feet into a gently flowing stream. Oh how he wished he had acknowledged and followed the message from God that he kept hearing!

How many times have we clung on to something that no longer serves us, when the gently flowing river of life is there to catch us? I've found that when things feel bad, it's time to look at them differently or just move on! The Universe sends us signs. What kinds of signs are you getting? Do you have faith that life will work out for the highest and best for all involved?

Sometimes in life, what appears to be an ending is really a new beginning.

I am glad that I came to the point where I could trust that the Universe is on my side. Maybe even that the whole Universe conspires to bring me joy! I see proof in my life that things work out for the best. What a relief it is to know that I can relax into the knowingness that all is truly well.

What did it take for me to get to this point? I was introduced to some teachings that changed my life. For the better. These teachings are based on Universal Laws, specifically, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Allowing, etc. These laws are found at Abraham-Hicks. When I started using these principles, it was a born again experience for me in that I started taking complete responsibility for my life! What joys came into my life! Could you use a little joy?

With Abraham teachings, I learned to really pay attention to my emotions as a sign from my inner being about which direction to take. Now, I regularly take stock of my life and look at the obvious little deaths and the possible new beginnings.

Several years ago, I did an exercise out of Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. It is really interesting to take a look at now! The task in the book said, "List 5 alternate lives that you would like to live". My list consisted of being a dancer/performer, trainer, motivational speaker, photographer, and choreographer. What was interesting is that, between then and now, I have in different aspects of my life been able to act out these alternate lives. Some of these "alternate lives" have manifested as money-makers for me, and others simply bring me great joy.

Did completing this simple task in the book create new beginnings for me? Did the Universe (or who knows, maybe my subconscious mind) go to work to create for me, through me, these fun roles that would allow me to experience so much?

According to Abraham teachings, our desires are our soul's way of communicating with us what might be a good path to take. And I've learned that enthusiasm means "filled with life or spirit". So it makes sense that those desires that I am passionate about would come to fruition in my life.

There are other questions that can lead us to more joy like, "What would an ideal day be like?", "What would you do if money were no object?" Right now today, "What can you do that will give you more joy?" Take a moment to think about this! Go ahead and write out your answers. Get into the feeling place of what it would be like to experience your desires. You may find yourself in 5 or 6 years (if not sooner!) looking back at your answers and seeing that you are living that life that you once only dreamed of!

About the author:
Diana Kennedy is the author of an E-newsletter, syndicated monthly column, and website named Living from Spirit. For more information, you may visit her website Diana Kennedy .

(Copyright 2003 by Diana Kennedy- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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