Seeker Magazine

Anil K Prasad and Jyotsana K Prasad

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Anil K Prasad and Jyotsana K Prasad are both partners in life and letters. Born and brought up in India, they are presently "a couple captivated by Yemen" where Anil teaches English at Ibb University and writes during his free time and Jyotsana enjoys her life as a devoted wife and a creative writer. For both of them writing is freedom. Both of them believe in the values of culture, tradition, and self-discovery. Jyotsana writes in Hindi and her poems have been translated from Hindi by Anil. Given below is an account of their poetic journey:

Anil K Prasad:

When, why and how I started writing poems, I do not exactly remember. Most probably, I forgot to record them in black and white, too young to grasp the strange power of imagination - as the birds fly in the sky – wordlessly soar up, give shocking sensations, move away from the sight, disappear, yet linger in the unconscious. How to catch them, to bring them down to a palpable shape that could be be translated and read and possessed. Now I can analyze, rationalize and be able to find the reasons. But for me the reasons are not important. Reasons are an attempt at frustration. For me the vision is important - the vision of reality, the unconscious journey into the fascinating glow of darkness with words as expressive, moving vehicles to reach out, to touch, to feel, to know, to carve, to create… a world without fears; a world wherein I am free and I am fully awake, I can see even after my eyes are closed – no tyrant can torture my feelings, no monster can oppress my voice, no one can rob me of my wealth. I am free, I am selflessly you, I am what I am.

Jyotsana K Prasad:

I write poetry or I should rather say poetry writes me. The observing, the expressive, the singing potential of a person is a medium for the words to come out and connect the concrete with the abstract, the local with the universal the physical with the metaphysical, the earth with the sky. I feel that ideas are important elements in poetry. Most of my poems are ideas couched in emotions and feelings. These ideas are from the reservoir of a culture and tradition. I have often realized that they do not only belong to me, they are of humanity. For example, for me sari is not merely a dress, it is an idea. For me it is the essence of a culture that embraces within it affection, tenderness, beauty, love and demeanor of a woman. I am glad to share these ideas with others with the hope that one day poetry shall bring peace and unite humanity with its harmony. It is a difficult task to define poetry. Nevertheless, in the following lines I have attempted to discover my being as a poet and what poetry is and what poetry means to me.

And I Walk Along And Sing… | For You |A Prayer For Peace
Your Tears Are The Only Rivers | You wish to know my complete introduction
Portrait | Experiencing God | Suffocation
Definitions | For You | A Riddle | Word

And I Walk Along And Sing…

I saw the sun the moon the stars the sky
While walking up and down on the streets.
At times I stumbled and was sustained
By strange fellow travelers
And walked along and sang

I saw the sun scorching me from above,
I perspired in beads of freshness
At times I was strengthened
By his strangeness
And walked along and sang

I saw the moon in lonely nights
And wandered in the streets
Wrapped in the beauty of her beams
At times I was refreshed in the morning
By this cathartic dream
And I walked along and sang

I saw the stars twinkling
And they talked to me
About their experiences
They guided me from their million miles
Distance and at times I have been
Redirected to the right path
And I walk along and sing….

- by Anil K Prasad

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For You

Love and live
And leave
The land of fetters
And dive into
The ocean of freedom
Every time I am selflessly you:

With you I swim
The dark sea that swells up
Every moment within
Our four walls,
I have seen his rough tides
Prostrating in your presence:

Simply because you always choose
To be an oar chiseling
The direction of our canoe,
Our own canoe for hours
You kiss my sweat away and my moan
You receive with smile and a purse
Of pure pearls is handed to us
To heal up our sick-shells.

Life is a sentence, and you:
A joint that breaks to enrich a sentence
With meaning and to remove
The burden of its ambiguous groan:
With you love is always
A sincere attempt at

I always feel beneath the flesh
The black soft feathers of
A host of cuckoos coming
Out of their prison-pores of flesh
To sing their song
In silence.

- by Anil K Prasad

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*A Prayer For Peace

“ Einstein's eyes
were filled with tears
when he heard about Hiroshima.

Mr. Tamihi
Had no eyes left
To show his grief”

Expectations are killing
The heart that hopes high
Lends ears to hearsay
And years pass by.
Drum's dreams beat
With passion, duty walks upright
Doing the deeds that fight,
Though unheeded by the traffic police

Like stray cattle are left

To wander in the streets and to sit
On the pavements in **Varanasi
To chew the cud of abandon
And disappear
To the wonder of the one
In the crowd, craving for order,
In the avenues of the accomplished times,
“Won the race of discovery”
To boast of the achievement
Of the race:

Humanity's love for inhumanity!

If you love to die in the halls of
Seclusion, come with me.
If you are dying to accomplish
The unfinished work, come with me.
Come with me, if you want your pulse
To beat through its veins, come with me
To jostle with the contemporary crowd
Come with me, if you wish to sleep

The dreams of innocence on the high sea.

Wake up and come with me,
Jog beside me on the road to anonymity,
That leads to the river of retreat,
Where you can dive deep into the bliss
Of duty, your duty towards your own
Countrymen and as the civilians of the world,
Come out of your shells, cubicles of self,
Come out into the open

To see the sun, and the moon and the sky.

Come out to see the world of missiles
And bring your children too,
To see the beauty of the mines,
To smell the drowsy fragrance of the powder:
Their purpose has been noble
And practical and striking.

So let your children enjoy
The background music. It is enthralling,
Though in the background now,
Will surface on the shore,
The moon will kiss away the salt
From their bony holes.
Let them come out in a moonlit night
To hear the beauty of an outburst,
To see the beauty of an explosion,
Beautiful swell of a giant Satan's mushroom
Children of Nagasaki and Hiroshima still cherish
The memory of a holocaust
The terrible beauty created by
The “Little Boy” and the “Fat Man”
“In order to shorten the agony of war”!

Allow them
To visit the international shrines of peace
On a smoggy day,

To see the beauty of a lame sun

He is waiting,
Leaning on the crutch to see
The beauty
Of man's creation,
The beauty
Of a blind grenade,
Yes blind!
But it can kill and blow
The bones and split
The brain and spill
The blood
Of God's creation.

To feel the pain of a maimed sky after the blast.

Come out of your homes
(They are not secure).
Come out of your homes to see
Or even if you are afraid
Look through the blinds
Of your windows;
(Reality can't be hidden).
Anyway, if you have a wish
To watch a spectacle
Come out. Peace is dead.
There is no one to bury him.
Come out. We have to do our duties.

We will give him a safe burial:

In the sea,
There he will never sing again
With the rain,
Will never have chance
To dance with the mermaids
In the deep,
There he will never surface
Except as a skeleton on the shore:

To be isolated by the wild waves
As noncommittal break up of bones
And nakedness with blind holes
Lipless teeth, tightly closed, conceal
The absence of a smart tongue
A dumb skull, no skill to hide

The promising smile from a human face.

- by Anil K Prasad
* This poem is published on
** A city in India.

      Top of the Page.

Your Tears Are The Only Rivers

Your tears are the only
Rivers left on this earth –
Pure, potent,
Gracefully floating
Pools into which
I throw my self
And I am restored to life
Refreshing grief makes me dream of you

O fabulous humanity!

I have been dreaming of you, before
Your dreams
Have been trampled
Like a child's home of sand,
On the shore of life,
Is dismantled
By he drifting feet
Of the winds of fate.

The child can cry
But you cannot
You have passed that age
Or perhaps because
The child is dying in you
But you can only shed your
Tears alone
To bathe its body,
Before the burial
In your soul
Before you will doze to dream

Your tears are the lonely rivers
No pilgrims are seen on their shores
Carrying holy water from them
After a dip and let the dust cover it
Sacredly in a niche,

People in their own cabins
Are too busy to feel
Pride in this journey of generations,
They can see the water coming down
Like the tears
Of their own flesh
But theirs are fondled and feared
Unlike yours,
Ignored and forgotten.

You are a street-lamp,
Forgotten fast
On a journey onward,
Fixed on a lonely pole:
Giving is calculated
As a part of your responsibility,
While standing alone
In the middle of the street
Or stranded on a crossing

No one fumbles for a farthing
Of feeling to fling on you
But when it is dark,
They complain of
Your absence when they stumble,
Complaints are always heard
Muttered by the members
Of your own caravan,
Often beasts are heard
Grumbling in your absence.

People expect you to stand out
But they do not care even for
Carrying you in their memories;
After they cross the circle
Where you were shedding light
In darkness,
No one could see that,

Only they could mind their ways,
Only their own ways they could mend!

- by Anil K Prasad

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You wish to know my complete introduction

You want to be acquainted with me fully -
Who am I and where have I come from?

I am a gust of cool breeze
That calms the peace-lacked mind on a hot summer day

I am water from a vessel of nectar
That quenches the thirst of generations

I am a small fleck of cloud
That becalms the sizzling earth with its drizzle

I am a piece of bread more lovely than the moon
That satisfies the appetite of the hungry children

I am a portion of a patched sari
That a mother hides carefully her shyness and affection with

I come in every age piercing the time-segment
I embrace the generations of the hungry lot
And instill hope of life in their consciousness.

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

Top of the Page.


Mirror is looking for a face.

If someone is liked by mind's eyes
He will be reflected in the heart's mirror
Creating a glimmer for an instant in the heart
And fades away.

Alas! The mirror is left sad
Lonely and blank

Then one day –
An image appears in the mirror
And is there forever…

A sari, rainbow-hued,
Printed with multicoloured
Flowers and leaves

Blushing, settles down into
A red wedding-dress
Of blessings,

And the mirror gets transformed
Into a portrait

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

Top of the Page.

Experiencing God

("Ishwar Darshan")

Like free birds, I, in the past,
In the wild courtyard of the blue sky
Sang to my heart's content
Jumped like deer,
Jostled like children
Harboured the delusion
To catch the sun in a bowl of water.
Wished to fly over the sea
Like *Hanuman
Had the courage to keep the sun
In my fist
Had the pride of ruling the entire earth
Like the British
Tried to accomplish every difficult task:
Emboldened to touch the horizon
Had the courage to do the impossible.
In my brimming youth
Walked intoxicated and intoxicating others
Like the spring breeze…
But today when gradually
I am aging, and the time is changing fast
A tyrant's procession of might is coming out
With pomp and show

In society:
Tyrants are worshipped
Sages are beaten,
*Luxmi is crowned,
*Saraswati is in exile,
Springs of *somras
Are flowing unabated, oppressively
People are starving, hungry
Children are being sold
Young daughters are being auctioned.

Now I feel that my youth
Was an illusory dream
I have surrendered before all the circumstances
All the time I live in fear and suspicion
Oppressed by the unknown future
The plain land seems rough
And shudder at the slight rustle if leaves
In a day several times I live and die
And keep fasting many a day
Visit temples, mosques and churches
Take offerings to the tombs of saints.

I grow old in the shadow of fear
And knock at the doors of temple
At the slightest doubt
I make the altar shake with
My scream and screech
In distress make my home temple
And the temple my home
In every misery I call God for protection

Then suddenly
Overpowered with fear and doubt
We are afraid of the blessings of God
We are terrified by death
We always call God near us

What if He will call us near Him!

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

* In Hindu mythology, one of the incarnations of Rudra, who crossed the sea in his journey to search for Sita, the consort of Lord Rama
* The goddess of wealth
* The goddess of learning
* An intoxicating drink referred to in the Holy texts of Hindus.

Top of the Page.



Fear's relentless death-dance.
Fog of foreboding
Has enveloped the entire atmosphere

Everywhere – crowd,
Hustle and bustle

Why is the atmosphere so hushed up?
Even there is sadness on the playful lips!

As if, tied in the bags of plastics
People like peas and tomatoes,
Appear fresh from without
But are breathless from within
For the lack of
An open sky

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

Top of the Page.



1. Mind

Our mind
Gleamed with the glow of prowess
Unleashed like youth
Enraptured like a calf
Maddening like the spring breeze…

2. Hope

Our hope is a twinkling star
Tearing the sheet of fog
Flashing in pitch darkness
The flame of a lamp.
For faltering steps
The stick of support
Born of the embryo
Of despair: a ray of hope.

3. Contentment

Contentment keeps us unfaltering
Like meditating *Bholeshanker
For the dangling boat
But also a stumbling-block
In the way of one's progress
Diminishes natural competition
Assassinates ambition.

* One of the names of Lord Shiva

4. Wishes

Our wishes are our sorrows
Destroy our peace
Twenty four hours
They make us move
Like a windmill.
But our wishes are the mothers
Of our creations
Success and progress
Cannot be achieved without
Wishes and will power.

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

Top of the Page.

For You

("Apke Khatir")

You are busy
With your papers
On the table
Put beside the wall

What happened?

You are busy with your work
Your lips are silent

I would come to your room
With hot tea,
Roasted peanuts
And some biscuits

Then I would sit beside you
By pulling a chair

Once or twice I ask you
To drink the tea

After waiting for an hour
I would bring for you
Another cup of hot tea -
You would take
A few sips from the cup
And pick up a few
Peanuts or biscuits
And then quietly
I would go out
Of your room

When you lift up
Your eyes planted
On your papers
I will not be there.

What will remain?

Half-filled cup of tea
Some biscuits and peanuts
In the saucer:

The glow of sunset
And the longing
In your nostrils
For the fragrance of my soul
Which I will leave behind

For you

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

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A Riddle

("Ek Paheli")

Land is wet
Amazing! Barren yet!
Nectar- vessel always full
Sweet affection brimming
Making pores all afresh
Thorn pricking the heart's flesh

This is a riddle
Hard to get through
Barren land is wet through.

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

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A word is a parrot in a cage
Loses its old meaning with time's pace

An attempt to make out fails

The meaning of human
Which before embraced
Mutual respect, sympathy
And a meeting ground
For each other's sentiments

Now the beast has entered
Into the semantic universe
Of human changing it totally

An attempt to make out fails

Not only the meanings of the words
But also the rules of rhetoric have changed
Now the vehicle is tenor
And the tenor is vehicle.

Now in homes carrots and radishes
Are kept carefully and….
In the bazaar people are butchered
As carrots and radishes

In the past home
Was the place lovely
Where people lived together
Today it is made
A cremation ground
In no time.

- by Jyotsana K Prasad

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(Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved by Anil K Prasad and Jyotsana K Prasad - No reproduction without express permission from the author

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Letter to the Authors: Anil K Prasad and Jyotsana K Prasad