Seeker Magazine

A Few More Questions For The Candidates

by Christopher J. Stephens

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A VH1 TV news special from last winter tracked down six Democratic Presidential candidates and asked them a series of pop culture questions. What is Eminem's real name? Who is Brad Pitt's wife? For what team does Lebron James play? Who wrote the Harry Potter books? It was an interesting idea that played well for a quick hour. Kerry was resistant, but he knew all the answers. Sharpton talked about how he liked soul food, gospel music, and James Brown. Edwards was the only one who didn't stop for an interview or answer their e-mails.

It was an interesting idea for a special, particularly when you consider that VH1 is best known for endlessly recycling their ten hour celebration of disposable culture "I Love The 80's." But it led me to think about a different series of questions these candidates would be wise to answer before I consider casting a vote:

Why won't Johnny read? [formerly known as Why can't Johnny read?]

It really isn't enough to wonder about Johnny or Janey's ability to understand words and absorb thoughts on the page. I want to know why they won't take the time. Is it the fault of TV and Mp3's and Internet chat rooms? They read when they're on-line, but do they bother anymore with the thrill that can come from picking up an actual book?

Adam and Eve, or Adam and Steve?

This is an inquisitive twist on the slogan normally connected, emphatically, with the word "not." Does the idea bother any of these candidates? If so, why? This is the twenty-first century, folks. Let people celebrate their unions. How can we have a "Defense Of Marriage Act" when heterosexual unions are trivialized and celebrated on game shows/reality shows every day? Bottom line: however anybody defines love is none of my business.

When was the last time you cried?

Don't manufacture a situation or try and connect yourself to something outside of your life. Don't exploit personal tragedy. We've seen enough campaign commercials about your hard knock life and childhood with only one parent. Tell me about yesterday or last week or this morning when suddenly a wave of sadness washed through your spirit, tears spilled from your eyes while you sat alone and scared in your campaign bus, and you didn't know what to do. Tell me about your humanity and don't leave out any details.

How can you maintain hope that things will get better?

Don't claim that a new regime is the only way our lives will improve. That's too easy, and it insults our intelligence. Convince me you have faith in our ambition, our independence, our willingness to take responsibility for our actions, even when we might end up stumbling. If you lead without being patronizing and demeaning, we will follow.

We love to hate politicians. Their dignity is immediately compromised once they take office; their soul available to the highest bidder. I'm as jaded as the next man. Will I have more faith in these candidates if they answer my questions? No, but it might help make them more real for me.

Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved by Christopher J. Stephens (No reproduction without express permission from the authors)

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