Seeker Magazine - May 2005

"Share it, Show it" and Other Poems

by Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy

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Share it, Show it

A rhythmical wave of thoughts
Plunge into memories deluge
Disrobing my mood
From joy to sorrow
In the weaved webs of gloom
Astounded, I get fastened
To the changing trends of time.

Shrouded by emotions
I feel the pulse of poverty
Clouded by gloom
I feel the pulse of street urchins
No one relents for them
Neither the fate nor God's mercy;
Submerged by emotions
Dazed, I stare the empty skies.

Where's the humane concern
Where's the humanitarian approach
If we cultivate a hope in them
Hope, they won't give up their hopes
Let us not disown them
Let us not demoralize them
Try to stoke the waves of wisdom
Where within dwells enlightenment
Share it, show it, yes
To salvage the dampening spirit
Of those estranged co-humans.

Undying Quest

Tears, soon shall slowly trickle down
Deep down the memory of mother earth
Seeping into the annals of martyrdom
Yet another soldier stakes life to death.

The sacrifices made for universal peace
Throughout the archives of our history
No doubt are given a martyr status, yes
To treasure in our long-lasting memory.

Our motherland is the entire universe
"Universal Peace" should flow in our blood
With a wise vision let us render service
Providing succor to those in dire need.

Enlighten those great sacrifices everyday
Highlighting the undying quest for peace
Wish, our dreams one or the other day
Get fulfilled, lighting cheers in every face.

The Supreme Love

Thirst cannot be quenched by showers
Volcanoes cannot be tamed by winds
Waterfalls cannot be curtailed by slopes
Nature cannot be upturned by fires
Storms cannot be crushed by strength
Passions cannot be suppressed by force
But the most influential of the universe
"The Supreme Love"
Not only can quench and tame, but
Curtail, upturn, crush and suppress
Any storm that rages in heart
Any misery that originates in heart
To give an everlasting solace
For those seeking his beloved shelter.


The same shadows
A similar obsession
The warm babble
All disappear slowly
Into the dawn's lap.

The stretching shadows
The lurking obsession
Again the warm babble
Slowly disappear again
Into the lap of dusk fall.

The different nights
Dark and moonlit
The different dawns
The different evenings
Display shades of life
At different times
Only to disappear.

We ought to learn
The art of living,
The art of sharing,
Loving and caring,
Attentive and aspiring;
From the raising sun
From the setting sun
Which everyday reflect
The reflections of life.


Have stretched
Too far,
Now it's time
For dusk too.
The night
As usual
Would surge soon
Even into my heart
Already exist
A pall of gloom
Shrouded by darkness,
Haunted by isolation
No hope survives.
What if
Yes, what if
If a hope dawns
A ray blossoms,
I pray mercy
To shower mercy
To rid me of

Copyright 2005 by Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

Table of Contents

Letter to the Author: Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy