Seeker Magazine -May 2005

The Light Articles: Something Ghostly This way comes!

by Jamie Sanders

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"Do you believe in Ghost?" Or maybe a kinder, subtler way of asking it might be "Do you believe that we live on after the physical body passes?" Some people are very open to sharing their thoughts and beliefs on such matters while I often find that some are not. I guess I've always just been comfortable with the idea that we are so much more than just flesh, blood and bone.

I do believe in Ghost! I do believe that there are those who choose not to cross over after death and remain here on the earth plain for varied reasons. I'm not sure if the whole idea just scares people, or if it's a religious teaching they continue to cling to from childhood. What I know for myself is that I have experienced several encounters that many might find hard to accept or consider credible, but the truth is I'm not asking others to take my word for it, or even believe me. What I'm asking others to do, is to expand their minds, their beliefs, and consider simply the possibility of "What if?"

I have had ghostly encounters since I was a teenager and it was not so much that those experiences frightened me, but rather when looking back, I now know that they intrigued me more.

I have smelled the presence of my deceased Grandmother, her perfume, and her hair as a slight breeze that blew passed me gently, swiftly and was gone. It happened so quickly that it took my breath away. I recognized her energy and knew for sure that it had been her. I felt her love surround me, embrace me, and move on. I was honored and very moved.

I have seen countless times the presence of a mysterious male figure wearing a leather coat in my home. I have witnessed him; my Mother has encountered him as well. Has he frightened us? No! Startled us? Yes! Suddenly seeing what we believe to be a stranger or intruder can cause one's adrenaline to rush and react from a place of panic. When the figure has vanished and simply is not there any longer, one begins to wonder had they imagined the whole scenario or could it have been for real. I had been told that this phantom is a person that I do not know, but that he came home with someone one night unknowingly uninvited and had remained a reoccurring visitor from time to time. He apparently liked my room the most. The statues and crystals, the energy of the books and pictures of spiritual things that line the walls and fill the space with light, seems to attract him like a moth to a flame. How do I feel about this? I have spoken to him and told him that I am okay with him being around as long as he doesn't frighten me or those I love. I have not seen him since that time and I am hoping he has made the choice to move on and journey into the light.

I have also witnessed the apparition of a man know as Albert Winslow in the reflection of a large mirror. I saw him standing behind me and spun around to see who was there and found no one. When I turned back and looked in the mirror once more I could see him still walking towards the door. I felt the cold chill and knew that I had witnessed the spirit of someone who had lived in another time. His clothes and hair told me that it was most likely from the 1800's and I was blown away by the experience of having seen him in this manner. I can often feel him, and will speak to him in passing to acknowledge his presence, but have not seen him since that day. He repeatedly asked the question to those who have heard him," Where is my dog?" It is with sadness and great compassion that I think of him and offer my prayers.

I have found lately that ghostly orbs are appearing in many of the photos I take and this fascinates me as well. My friend Andrea introduced this phenomenon to me and I was intrigued by the evidence found in many of the shots taken in cemeteries and other vibratory locations. Rick Loe and Sharon Renae also have taken shots that are remarkable and validate these plasmic orbs that many paranormal investigators have spoken of in their investigations of hauntings and unknown phenomenon.

For many these kind of experiences are never spoken of or shared because people are afraid others may think they are crazy or dealing with things that are considered by many denominations as being of the occult. As a minister, I believe that if we dwell in the light of goodness and love, entities that have crossed over are often drawn to our energy for a purpose. Either to give us a message or to teach us that life is truly eternal. Seeing Spirits or having ghostly encounters does not have to be a bad thing. One must be open to being of service to those who are in need, whether in a body or without one.

We are here to serve as light beings unto all humanity and love without ceasing. Open your heart and mind to knowing that there is so much more than what we perceive while in our bodies. The soul lives on and even in death we are all still one in spirit. Pray for those who have crossed over. Pray for those whose spirits remain here roaming the earth. They are seeking to find their way home just as you and I continue to do. It doesn't really matter if you believe in Ghost or not, what matters most is that you are willing to say I just don't know, but I sure am open!

So if in the stillness of your darkened room you hear a bump in the night or see someone out of the corner of your eye that suddenly vanishes, whisper a prayer and blessing and above all else, "Fear not!"

Live in joy, sing with a friend even if others are watching and dance your own dance. The Universe will always applaud you! And above all else, keep spreading The Light!

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(Copyright 2005 by Jamie Sanders- No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Jamie Sanders at Jamie